Food labelling laws have now changed

Published: Wednesday 10 November 2021

person looking at labelling advice on a packet of sandwiches

Businesses who sell prepacked food for direct sale, such as sandwiches, now have to provide ingredients and allergen labelling.

Businesses selling these foods, which were previously exempt from such labelling, must now comply with the change in legislation which has now come into effect.

Food businesses across Scotland and the rest of the UK now need to list the product name and full ingredients on any prepacked for direct sale (PPDS) products.

The new legislation will improve information about allergens and other ingredients in food prepared and packed in advance, mainly at the same place where it’s sold, before being offered to consumers.

The new legislation will help prevent further food allergy deaths by offering increased protection and confidence for consumers living with a food allergy or intolerance when they buy PPDS type food.

On packaging, information will include the 14 allergens specifically listed in food information law, as well as other ingredients which can trigger reactions.

Examples of PPDS foods include:

• Sandwiches placed into packaging by the food business and sold from the same premises

• Wrapped deli counter goods such as cheeses and meats

• Boxed salads placed on a refrigerated shelf prior to sale

If you’re not sure how your business is affected, you can get additional support and guidance, along with a short video to help explain the legislation change and use the decision tool found on the Food Standards Scotland website.

Michael McGlynn, the Executive Director of Community and Enterprise Resources, said: “These new requirements strengthen existing legislation to protect consumers with food allergies and will provide them with greater confidence to buy locally produced and packed food.

“Environmental Services can assist local food businesses implement the new requirements and requests for assistance can be made via Environmental Services or by phoning 0303 123 1015.”