Most vulnerable prioritised in road safety programme

Published: Thursday 3 March 2022

four people walking across a road holding signs for the be smarter than your smartphone campaign. The individual to the right is a uniformed police officer in a Hi Vis coat.

Plans to make help make local roads safer through education, engineering, enforcement and encouragement have been welcomed.

Details of the Priority Road Safety Engineering projects and road safety actions for the coming year (2022/2023) were reported to the South Lanarkshire Road Safety Forum.

Chair of the Road Safety Forum Councillor Julia Marrs said: “The programme includes a range of works planned by South Lanarkshire Council and its partners that will see investment in infrastructure to provide and enhance safety measures, and a wide range of actions that will raise awareness around making our roads safer for everyone.

“I am pleased that there continues to be a prioritised focus on the most vulnerable groups of road users - children, pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, road users aged 70 and over, road users aged between 17 to 25, and on areas of highest deprivation as identified within the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD).”

Members of the forum also heard that a change to the assessment process used now means that during analysis additional weighting is given to data where those more vulnerable road user groups have been involved in the most serious incidents. This resulted in identifying a total of 32 locations where more detailed investigation of road safety options will now be carried out.