Everyone has the right to live their life safe from harm

Published: Monday 20 February 2023

This image shows an adult looking out their window and is related to a survey on adult protection

Today (Monday 20 February) is National Adult Support and Protection Day.

This year the focus is on neglect and self-neglect. 

South Lanarkshire Adult Support and Protection Committee – and South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership – are supportive of this year’s focus recognising that everyone has the right to live their life safe from harm. 

The Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 is there to support and protect adults who are unable to safeguard themselves.

An adult may be at risk of harm if they are over 16 years, unable to safeguard their own wellbeing, property, rights and other interests, are at risk of harm (to themselves or others) and are affected by illness, mental disorder, disability or physical or mental infirmity.

A short film highlighting the signs to look out for with regards adults who are at risk of harm is available on the South Lanarkshire Council Youtube Channel.

Soumen Sengupta, Director of Health and Social Care for South Lanarkshire expressed his full support.

He said: “Harm can happen anywhere: in someone’s home, where they work, in a public place – sometimes caused by the people closest to them.

“It’s sometimes hard to see when someone is struggling to manage, or you might feel you don’t want to interfere. Yet sharing your concern is the right thing to do and can allow support to be offered.

Mr Sengupta added: “Adult Support and Protection is everyone’s business and I would like to thank the ongoing diligence, vigilance and compassion of our staff, our partners and our communities.” 

Safaa Baxter, Independent Chair of the committee, said: “I am pleased to mark National Adult Protection Day and would echo the message that if you have seen something that concerns you regarding an adult who you think might be at risk of harm – say something.

“Not all adults are able to speak up and ask for help for themselves and everyone deserves to live a life free from harm. 

“In the year 2021-2022 we dealt with 2,849 adult protection referrals in South Lanarkshire. These included referrals about a range of issues including neglect, self-harm, physical, financial, emotional and psychological harm”.

“Raising public awareness remains a priority for the South Lanarkshire Adult Protection Committee and we want people to know that there are agencies they can contact if they or someone they know is being harmed. All it takes is a phone call, even an anonymous call to allow further inquiries to be made."

“We hope that a National Adult Protection Day will continue to highlight to our communities the issue of adults at risk of harm and adult protection more widely."

If you want to find out more, key resources include a video titled ‘Seen Something? Say Something?’ to help raise awareness of neglect and self-neglect. 

If you are worried about an adult at risk of harm you can contact:

  • Social Work Resources on 0303 123 1008
  • Police Scotland on 101- Non-Emergency 
  • Police Scotland on 999 - Emergency