New seven-a-side pitch ready to welcome players

Published: Tuesday 9 May 2023

This image shows the main entrance to Hamilton Palace Sports Grounds

Work to create a new seven-a-side pitch at Hamilton Palace Sports Grounds has been completed five weeks early.

Two tennis courts and one five-a-side pitch were converted to the new seven-a-side 3G pitch.

Work continues on converting two five-a-side pitches to two 2G tennis courts, with three five-a-side 3G pitches also in the process of being replaced, all of which should be completed in June.

The shock pads and kickboards to the perimeter walls of the pitch have been renewed.

Chief Executive of South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture (SLLC), Kay Morrison, said: “Hamilton Palace Sports Ground is a flagship facility for SLLC, offering a wide range of high-quality facilities.

“The new seven-a-side training pitch will bring the facility in line with current grassroots demand for training areas in the Hamilton area.

“By developing the facility, we will be able to better meet the needs and demands of the communities we serve as well as the clubs and partners who use it.

“The facility will support an improved school sport and events programme supported by our Active Schools team.”

The work is being carried out by Sportex Group, and the existing synthetic carpets will be recycled at their new recycling plant in Grangemouth.

This will prevent bulk waste being transferred to landfill, helping to meet South Lanarkshire Council’s sustainability objectives.

The plastic waste from the synthetic carpets can now be recycled into boards which can be used for landscaping projects and around artificial pitches to contain the rubber infill.

A metal grid has also been included within the design of this project which will increase the retention of the rubber infill within the pitches.