Have your say on the review of council rents for 2025-26

Published: Wednesday 30 October 2024

This image shows tenant representatives at a meeting

Tenants are encouraged to get involved and have their say on the annual review of the rent increase for 2025-26.

The Budget Scrutiny Group (BSG), which is made up of tenant representatives and council officers, have again been involved in the design and co-ordination of the annual rent consultation programme.

This year’s programme began earlier in October 2024 with a meeting of the BSG and senior council officers where discussion took place on rent affordability, the council’s business plan and the proposed rent increase.

Council tenants will have the opportunity to take part in the consultation programme, with face to face and/or online meetings arranged.  An online survey will also be available on the council’s website and widely promoted on the council’s Facebook and X pages.

A tenant led event will be held in December 2024 to close the programme, facilitated by South Lanarkshire Tenant Development Support Project (SLTDSP), giving tenants the opportunity to discuss the issues influencing the rent increase and have their say on the proposal.

Tenant representative, David Downie, said: “Living costs are still high, so it’s important that tenants take part this in this annual review and have their say on the proposed rent increase.”

All views gathered during the consultation will be included in a report to Housing and Technical Resources Committee early in 2025, where approval for the rent increase will be sought.

You can take part in the survey online.

If you are interested in attending the closing event, contact SLTDSP by email.