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Meeting to help form the foundations for the future of health and care in Stonehouse
Published: Friday, 07 February 2020
People from Stonehouse are invited to have their say on the future of health and social care delivery in the local area
Representatives of South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) will attend a forthcoming meeting of the Stonehouse Community Council to discuss existing and future health and social care provision in the local area.
The HSCP’s input will give attendees a chance to listen to the latest information about local progress, developments and challenges. Crucially, those in attendance will be able to express their own views in an exercise that will help shape plans for the future.
The presentation and feedback session takes place on Monday17th February 7:30pm – 9:00pm, at Stonehouse Lifestyles, 2 Udston Mill Road, Stonehouse, ML9 3JL.
Val de Souza, Chief Officer of SLHSCP, said: “Communities are an important component of our Partnership and we are committed to listening to all experiences and viewpoints. We are grateful to Stonehouse Community Council for this opportunity as the process of taking on board what people have to say is vital as we seek to modernise and build care and supports that will meet local need going forward.”
The engagement session follows two similar events in Larkhall in December and taken together, the feedback from members of the public will inform and shape any future developments in this area for the future.
Engaging with the local community is happening at a crucial juncture. Last year, South Lanarkshire Council’s Social Work Committee gave its backing to the continued development of proposals to site a Care Hub in the Larkhall/Stonehouse Area as part of the Investing to Modernise £18m capital funding.
The Partnership are currently assessing and mapping local needs before any proposals are shaped and discussions have been ongoing with stakeholders, including locally elected members.
Ms de Souza explained the forthcoming engagement session marks a significant stage of the process. “From this very early stage, we want to explore, with the people who know Stonehouse best, what the future needs and aspirations are for health, social care and wellbeing in the community.
“We’ll be focusing on key questions during the events including; the challenges faced, what’s working well and what the ideal model of health and care would look like for the area.”
Ms de Souza added: “We are absolutely committed to openness, transparency and engaging in ongoing – and meaningful – dialogue with our communities.”
For further information contact 01698 455787.