Home News South Lanarkshire Carers Network: meeting

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South Lanarkshire Carers Network: meeting

Published: Tuesday, 01 May 2018

South Lanarkshire Carers Network: meeting

Do you provide care for someone?

You may be a parent, a husband or wife, a son or daughter, a sister or brother or friend to someone who needs support as a result of their illness, condition or disability. If you provide them with help and support to manage their life - you are a carer. The aim of these meetings are to ensure unpaid carers are enabled to help shape services, share their issues, be involved, get informed and empowered to make changes at local and national level. South Lanarkshire Carers Network remit is to raise the profile of unpaid carers allowing them to have a voice in the decision making process at a strategic level. SLCN will support carers to use their skills and expertise by providing them with opportunities and facilities to meet and discuss emerging issues.  For more information visit: http://slcn.co.uk/