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A personal message from Ms Val de Souza, Chief Officer, South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership, 20 March 2020
Published: Friday, 20 March 2020
A personal message from Ms Val de Souza, Chief Officer, South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership, 20 March 2020
Dear colleague,
Only a few days ago, I issued a blog reflecting on how strength in the face of challenge was a key attribute of this partnership.
It is clear now that we face a challenge which we have not seen before in our lifetimes.
As Chief Officer, first and foremost, I want to express my sincere gratitude to you, our staff and partners, for the commitment and resilience you have displayed in addressing the many complex challenges Covid-19 has posed already - and setting down robust preparations for the days, weeks and months ahead.
The Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport was clear about the gravity of the situation in her speech earlier this week.
As you’ll know, Jeane Freeman formally placed our NHS on an emergency footing for at least the next three months. She explained a swift and radical change in the way our NHS does its work is required. “It is nothing short of the most rapid reconfiguration of our health service in its 71 year history,” she added.
I know many of you are driving some of these rapid, crucial changes in Lanarkshire right now. This exemplary, ongoing work will stand us in good stead for the task ahead.
Be in no doubt that all of your combined efforts are vital to achieving our objective: protecting and saving lives.
To date there have been 266 positive cases recorded in Scotland. Sadly, there have been six reported deaths of patients who have tested positive for Covid-19. Our thoughts are with their families and their loved ones.
These are difficult times. New social distancing measures, while they will play a critical role in protecting the most vulnerable in our society, could also present us all with personal and professional challenges as time moves on.
Take the time to read advice which will be regularly issued by colleagues centrally.
In the meantime, please take care of yourselves and each other.
Sincere thank you all, once again, for your continued commitment - and great strength.
Val de Souza
Director, Health and Social Care
South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership