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Steps taken to strengthen financial position as IJB considers harsh realities
Published: Tuesday, 30 May 2023
Protecting the most vulnerable members of South Lanarkshire communities
A plan geared to protecting the most vulnerable members of South Lanarkshire communities was consolidated today – amid a harsh financial backdrop highlighted by a recent national report.
South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board (IJB) met this morning to strengthen an approach to protect essential services and prepare for unavoidably tough choices ahead.
The special meeting opened with members reflecting on the detail of Audit Scotland’s recently-published Integration Joint Boards Financial Analysis 2021/22.
Professor Soumen Sengupta, Chief Officer for South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board (IJB) explained that the report’s contents leave no illusion about the severity of the challenges – yet its recommendations chime with a robust and an already-active local recognition and response.
“Significant cost pressures are being faced across all local public services and this independent assessment, as has been widely reported, highlights the extent of ‘unprecedented’ strain for health and social care services across the nation.
“Locally, the unremitting focus of our hardworking staff and our leadership team is to keep people safe. The reality is that we will need to grapple with serious decisions in the coming months and years.”
The IJB has a legal obligation to be in a balanced financial position to ensure it is able to ensure the provision of statutory functions and essential services.
The previous IJB meeting, in March, saw a decision on one means of bridging part of a budget gap deferred to South Lanarkshire Council’s Executive Committee. That was approved, but with an amendment. Today’s business saw the IJB agree steps to achieve parity for the current year, with support of the South Lanarkshire Council and NHS Lanarkshire.
Lesley McDonald, Chair of the IJB, said, “Today’s business achieved a balanced budget which strengthens our short term position to negotiate the harsh realities in front of us. There was also resolute commitment today, from all members of the IJB, to work together in addressing serious challenges going forward.”
Ms McDonald added: “None of us want to be in this position. We recognise, however, the challenge that Audit Scotland has posed to all those organisations, with a responsibility for health and social care. That challenge is to make inevitably difficult choices - so we can continue to protect the most vulnerable and at risk within our communities.
- Audit Scotland have stated that ‘Scotland’s Integration Joint Boards (IJBs) face considerable financial challenges and immense pressures on their workforce. IJBs have reached the point where significant transformation will be needed to ensure the long-term capacity, financial sustainability and quality of services individuals receive.’
- To read their full report, visit: Integration Joint Boards: Financial analysis 2021/22 | Audit Scotland (
- The papers for today’s South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board can be read at this link: