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Facts and figures about South Lanarkshire


Information dashboards

In this section you can access statics through information dashboards. The number of dashboards available to the general public will develop over time.

If you are having issues using the Dashboards please contact 


There are a number of external dashboards that may be of interest including:

The Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF) which was developed by the Scottish Local Government Improvement Service to enable councils to work together to use performance information in a way which helps understand variations and share good practice. The new interactive online LGBF dashboard for the public includes several new types of analysis which will allow users to compare authorities much more easily, and which provides overviews of performance and improvement. In partnership with the Local Government Improvement Service, South Lanarkshire Council has developed and launched its own local version of the SLC LGBF Dashboard to better reflect the council’s priorities and support scrutiny of progress of the council plan’s Outcomes.

You can also access sub-council area population projections produced by the Local Government Improvement Service in collaboration with the National Records of Scotland. Sub-council area population projections can help local authorities understand how the future size and structure of the population is likely to vary across the local authority area and how the rate of change varies across these areas.  

Related content

  1. Facts and figures about South Lanarkshire
  2. Area profiles
  3. Information dashboards
  4. SIMD Maps