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About Early learning and childcare in South Lanarkshire

The benefits of children attending nursery for 1140 hours of Early Learning and Childcare

The vision of the Scottish Government for the 1140 hours early learning and childcare expansion is to “…make Scotland the best place in the World to grow up in by improving outcomes and reducing inequalities for all babies, children, mothers, fathers and families across Scotland to ensure that all children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed”.

We are delivering the highest quality of early learning and childcare which is flexible, affordable and accessible for all children and their families. We are already seeing the benefits on children’s learning through play, improving communication skills, building up their confidence, making friends and most importantly having fun. Increased early learning and childcare hours helps to ensure that our youngest children in South Lanarkshire have the best start in life. 

Children in South Lanarkshire's nurseries and children attending other nurseries and childminders funded by the council (Funded Providers) follow the Scottish Government's Curriculum for Excellence 3-18. Please visit our Early years curriculum page for more information.

Outcomes from our evaluations so far have also confirmed that the additional hours benefits parents and families by reducing their childcare costs, being able to start a new job, increasing their working hours or to start training or study.

Who can access a funded Early Learning and Childcare place?

All three and four year olds and eligible 2 year olds will get up to 1140 hours of Early Learning and Childcare, depending on when they start during the academic year.

Eligibility criteria

  • All 3 and 4 year old children
  • Children approved for a deferred entry to primary school
  • 2 year olds who are, or have been since they turned 2, cared for by the local authority (LAAC) or cared for under a kinship care order
  • 2 year olds from ‘families seeking work’ households
  • 2 year olds from low income households in receipt of certain Child Tax and Working Tax Credits

Date when a child starts an eligible 2 year old free Early Learning and Childcare placement

  • If your child’s 2nd birthday falls between 1 March and the start of term in August - they would start their funded nursery place from the start of term in August
  • If your child’s 2nd birthday falls after the start of term and the last day of February - they would start their funded nursery place from the Monday after your child’s 2nd birthday*

* If your child’s 2nd birthday falls on a Monday, the start date will be the following Monday.

Date when a child starts a 3-5 year old free Early Learning and Childcare placement

  • If your child’s 3rd birthday falls between 1 March and the start of term in August - they would start their funded nursery place from the start of term in August
  • If your child’s 3rd birthday falls after the start of term and the last day of February - they would start their funded nursery place from the Monday after your child’s 3rd birthday*

* If your child’s 3rd birthday falls on a Monday, the start date will be the following Monday.