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Applying for your child's 3-5 year old place

You can apply for a funded place in any of the council's primary school nursery classes and nursery centres or with any funded provider nursery or childminder who is in partnership with the council to provide funded placements.

If your child will be eligible for a nursery placement in the new academic session starting in August please contact your preferred setting to complete an application form with them no later than 28 February. Most places will be allocated in March and April. Letters notifying parents/carers of nursery placement decisions will be issued throughout May.

When making your application for a 3-5 year old placement, you are asked to choose your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice nursery. The council is required to provide each eligible child with a 3-5 year old placement. Where your first choice setting cannot accommodate your child, we will look at the other choices as alternatives.

The application form requires you provide a copy of each child's full birth certificate and two pieces of recent official documentation both containing your permanent home address, for example, a utility bill, council tax statement, housing rent card, child benefit documentation. You cannot complete the application process without these documents. If they are not available speak to the nursery for guidance. Please note that a separate application is required for each child (for example twins require a completed form each). 

Applications received after 28 February will be considered as late applications and processed in due course. Late applications may not get their chosen establishment as there may be no spaces remaining, however, we will consider the information provided in your application and allocate where spaces are available. Staff at the nursery will advise you on the timescales for when your request will be considered and when to expect an outcome.

During allocation, we will follow the council's Early Learning and Childcare Admissions Policy

How do I choose?

Funded provider nurseries and childminders, nursery classes and centres.

We have a wide range of nurseries in South Lanarkshire, from nursery classes in primary schools and nursery centres. We also work with partners in the private and voluntary sector.

Full details are in our settings list (A-Z) and by area.

Primary School Early Learning and Childcare Classes

Primary School Nursery Classes offer term time places, Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm. (Parents can request 8.30am to 9am and 3pm to 4pm in addition to their 1140 hours entitlement. This time is chargeable see details in charges and exemptions section)

Parents can apply to the nursery class of their choice as there are no catchment areas for nurseries. Please note you will still be required to apply to your catchment primary school or make a placing request for an alternative school at the time of school enrolment.

Council-run Nursery Centres and Early Learning and Childcare Centres

These settings are generally open from 8am to 6pm and can offer full day provision throughout the year, where available. The main patterns they offer are:

  • Long mornings: 8am to 12.35 pm
  • Long afternoons: 1pm to 5.35pm
  • Start of week: Monday and Tuesday (full days) and Wednesday morning
  • End of week: Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday (full days)

Parents can request hours in addition to their 1140 hours entitlement. This time is chargeable, and more information can be found on our Early Learning and Childcare charges and exemptions page see details in charges and exemptions section

Limited term time places Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm can be requested in these establishments but are not guaranteed.

Funded Providers and Childminders

These include childminders and private, voluntary and independent nurseries who are in partnership with the council to provide government funded Early Learning and Childcare. These providers can offer a variety of models between 38 and 51 weeks per year and must meet the same National Standards as Local Authority establishments. Funded providers should be approached directly by parents for details of the models they offer.

Gaelic Nursery

This provision is offered at Mount Cameron Primary School offering the same attendance model as other Primary School Nursery Classes detailed above. For nursery years and the first three years of the primary school, the children have total immersion in Gaelic language. After that the curriculum is delivered in both Gaelic and English. The policy of the unit is based on the Curriculum for Excellence guidelines for Gaelic Education.

Blended Placements

Parents can split their 1140 hours between 2 establishments. This is done by completing a blended model request form available from nurseries and by emailing