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Permission to keep an additional pet

Tenants are allowed to keep one domestic pet, for example, a dog or cat, without requesting the permission of the council. If you would like to have an additional pet, exotic or farmyard animal, you must ask us for permission before you can do this.

The following conditions will apply to any tenant who wishes to keep a pet:

  • dogs which are prohibited by the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 will not be kept.
  • animals that are prohibited from being kept as domestic pets by any other legislation will not be kept.
  • tenants are responsible for the behaviour of pets owned by them, anyone living with them or anyone visiting them when that person's pet is within the house, their garden, or in the vicinity of their home.
  • all reasonable steps will be taken to supervise and keep pets under control.
  • tenants will take reasonable steps to prevent pets from causing nuisance, annoyances or danger to neighbours. This includes fouling, noise or smell from the pet or injury caused by the pet. Tenants will take reasonable care to ensure that such pets do not foul or cause damage to the house, neighbour's property, anything belonging to us or anything that we are responsible for, such as the common parts.
  • any special conditions imposed by the council

Completing this application form does not mean we will give permission but will only refuse if there is a good reason to do so. We will let you know the outcome within 28 days.