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Premises licence fees

Fees for the Premises licence are based on rateable values for your premises and are as follows:

  • £200 for premises within category 1 (for example clubs)
  • £800 for premises within category 2 ( R.V. £1 - £11,500)
  • £1,100 for premises within category 3 (R.V. £11,501 - £35,000)
  • £1,300 for premises within category 4 (R.V. £35,001 - £70,000)
  • £1,700 for premises within category 5 (R.V. £70,001 - £140,000)
  • £2,000 for premises within category 6 (R.V. over £140,000)

In addition each premises must pay an annual fee of:

  • £180 for premises within category 1
  • £220 for premises within category 2
  • £280 for premises within category 3
  • £500 for premises within category 4
  • £700 for premises within category 5
  • £900 for premises within category 6

An application for a major variation will be charged at two thirds of the original premises licence fee.

For more information contact Licensing and registration services