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Cinema licence

Conditions of licence

Licensing conditions for cinemas showing films in the public categories

  1. No film shall be exhibited unless:
  1. It has received a "U", "PG", "12A", "15" or "18" certificate of the British Board of Film Classification;
  2. It is a current newsreel which has not been submitted to the British Board of Film Classification
  1. No person apparently under the age of 18 years shall be admitted to any exhibition at which there is to be shown any film which has received an "18" certificate from the British Board of Film Classification.
  1. No person apparently under the age of 15 years shall be admitted to any exhibition at which there is to be shown any film which has received a "15" certificate from the British Board of Film Classification.
  1. No person  apparently under the age of 12 years shall be admitted to any exhibition at which there is to be shown any film which has received a "12A" certificate from the British Board of Film Classification.
  1. Notwithstanding the conditions herein before contained, a film may be exhibited or persons or any class or persons may be admitted thereto if the permission of the Licensing Authority is first obtained and any conditions of such permission are compiled with.
  1. A representation or written statement of the terms of the certificate given by the British Board of Film Classification shall be shown on the screen immediately before the showing of any film to which it relates and the representation or statement shall be shown for long enough and in a form large enough  for it to be read from any seat in the auditorium.
  1. There shall be prominently exhibited at each public entrance whenever the premises are open to the public a notice indicating in tabular form and in clear bold letters and figures:-
  1. The title of each film to be shown on that day, other than trailers and films of less than five minutes duration;
  2. The approximate time of commencement of each such film;
  3. Whether each such film has received a "U", "PG", "12A", "15" or "18" certificate from the British Board of Film Classification; and
  4. The effect of such "U", "PG", "12A", "15" or "18" certificates in relation to the admission of persons under the age of 18 years
  1. The nature of any certificate received in respect of a film from the British Board of Film Classification shall be clearly indicated by the letter "U", "PG", "12A", "15" or "18" in any advertisement of the film displayed at the premises.
  1. No advertisement displayed at the premises of a film to be exhibited at the premises shall depict as a scene or incident in the film any scene or incident which is not included in the film as certified by the British Board of Film Classification or approved for exhibition by the Licensing Authority, as the case may be.
  1. Where the Licensing Authority has given notice in writing to the Licensee of the premises objecting to an advertisement on the grounds, that, if displayed, it would offend against good taste or decency, or be likely to encourage or incite crime or to lead to disorder or to be offensive to public feeling, that advertisement shall not be displayed at the premises except with the consent in writing of the Licensing Authority.
  1. Where the Licensing Authority has given notice in writing to the licensee of the premises prohibiting the exhibition of a film on the grounds that it contains matter which, if exhibited, would offend against good taste or decency, or would be likely to encourage or incite to crime or to lead to disorder or to be offensive to public feeling, that film shall not be exhibited in the premises except with the consent in writing of the Licensing Authority, and subject to such conditions as they think fit.
  1. It is a condition of the grant of this Licence that the Licence holder complies with any recommendation from the Firemaster within the recommended timescales.

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  1. Cinema licence
  2. Conditions of licence