Whole system approach - South Lanarkshire's approach to Youth Justice
South Lanarkshire’s Whole Systems Approach (WSA) team, work with young people aged 14-21 who find themselves in conflict with the law. In accordance with ‘The Promise,’ in the first instance any young person under the age of 16 years will be considered for remittal to the children’s hearing for disposal and will continue to receive intensive support.
The Whole Systems Approach (WSA) team also provide support to young people who are subject to compulsory supervision measures and will provide early intervention supports to young people who require this. The team provide court support to under 21’s and diversion from prosecution assessments and interventions for South Lanarkshire young people. In addition, the team also work with young people who are placed on bail supervision or those who require voluntary support whilst subject to bail.
The Whole Systems Approach (WSA) team also work with young people who are placed on Community Payback Order’s and those who receive a Structured Deferred Sentence (SDS). The team also work with young people who require a Care and Risk Management (CARM) approach in relation to reducing risks and developing strengths.
Action for Children (AFC), Regen:FX and Includem work in partnership with the Whole Systems Approach (WSA) team in South Lanarkshire to deliver additional support. This can include assistance with areas relating to employability and learning opportunities, support with mental health and emotional management and support to develop strategies to reduce harmful behaviours linked with any alcohol or drug use. Young people will be offered support from a range of services that will form part of a working group to help the young person take forward a plan that they agree will best meet their needs.