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Poll staff training and information

Quick start guide

This guide should be used alongside the Electoral Commission (EC) Handbook for polling staff and also South Lanarkshire’s Supplementary Note on the EC handbook.

Contact numbers for polling day – Should you have difficulties on polling day, you should contact:-

Election Office - for issues relating to the polling place, staffing, or poll stationery or equipment, contact your team leader.

Electoral Registration Office (ERO) - For issues relating to the register, postal or proxy lists 0800 030 4333

* Who can vote at the polling station 

Letters next to an elector's entry on the register determine whether or not they are entitled to vote in the election. Only the following electors can be given ballot papers in the polling station:

Letters Who
No letters Ordinary voters
No letters + N Anonymous voters with no letters + N
M or M+N Qualifying foreign nationals or prisoners service as sentence of 12 months or less 
L or L+N Peers

Proxy voters with the letter P - These votes will normally be cast by a proxy on the voter’s behalf.  However, the voter may vote on their own behalf if they arrive to cast their vote before the proxy.

*Voters who MUST NOT be given a ballot paper at the polling station

Letters Who
A or A+N Postal voters 
F or F + N Overseas electors

* See page 12 of the Handbook

Important things to remember – use your start of poll pictorial guide

  • Ballot Boxes – ensure the lids are firmly secured onto the boxes
  • Ballot Box Labels – The serial numbers of the cable ties should be recorded on the ballot box labels (including the cable tie to be used at Close of Poll)
  • Postal Votes - All postal votes received should be handed to the Presiding Officer at Station No 1 ready for collection
  • Tendered ballot papers The tendered ballot papers will be in an envelope in the count wallet this time and should be opened to check the details at the start of the poll and then returned to the count wallet and only used for the purposes stated on the envelope.  Only Presiding Officers can issue a tendered ballot paper
  • Ballot Paper Account – There is one ballot paper Account that is in triplicate. You should check that your information can be read on all three copies. The Presiding Officer must complete the ballot paper Account at the close of poll. 
  • Poll cards – Voters have been asked to retain their poll cards, however, if voters insist on leaving them at the polling station there are two A4 brown confidential shredding envelopes in your blue bag for this purpose.
  • Uplift of close of poll items - The Presiding Officer at Station 1 will be required to sign a form confirming the correct number of ballot boxes, count wallets, and contents in the trolley cases have been uplifted

The following documents will be held by the Presiding Officer at Station No 1:

  • Master register
  • Postal vote envelopes (1), (2), and (3);
  • Entry to polling place notice
  • Language booklet
  • Braille device

What is the usual voting process?

Note: Voters may bring their own pen or pencil or they may use one of the pencils available for single use by voters (available from one box and returned to another – boxes will be clearly labelled).

Stage 1 – Checking the voter details (Polling Clerk)

  • Greet the elector and ask them to state their Polling District, Elector number from their poll card and also their name and address
  • Confirm they are eligible to vote by checking their entry on the register
  • Draw a straight line against (but not through) the voter’s entry in the register
  • Read aloud their name and elector number (which includes the polling district reference) from the register to the Presiding Officer

Stage 2 – Issuing the ballot papers (Presiding Officer)

  • Ensure the number on the back of the ballot paper matches the number on the Corresponding Number List.
  • Ensure that the ballot paper includes the official mark (on the front) and unique identifying mark (barcode on the back). If it does not, contact the Election Office immediately.
  • Write the polling district reference (if not pre-printed) and the elector number on the Corresponding Number List alongside the number which matches the number on the ballot paper to be issued.
  • Fold the ballot paper then unfold it and give the following instruction:

‘Advise the voter that they should vote using numbers and can mark as many or as few as they wish.  When you have finished, please fold the ballot paper and show the ballot paper number and barcode to me before putting your paper in the box.’  Hand the ballot paper to the voter and ask them to go to the polling booth to mark their preferences.

Stage 3 – Voting

  • make sure voters go to polling booths individually so that their right to a secret vote is protected. No other person is allowed to accompany a voter to a polling booth unless a voter who is disabled or unable to read has requested assistance to vote
  • the voter marks their ballot paper in the privacy of the polling booth
  • the voter should, as advised above, fold their ballot paper, show the barcode to the Presiding Officer and place the paper into the ballot box
  • say ‘goodbye’ and thank the voter as they leave the polling station

Questions on Single Transferable Vote (STV)

Scottish Local Government elections are conducted using the Single Transferable Vote (STV) electoral system.  This means voters should rank the candidates in order of their preference.  It is important that polling staff do not get involved in a discussion on what STV means.  Keep the message to voters simple, ie vote using numbers in order of their preference.  If a voter asks for more information, please issue the leaflet on STV.

What if ….?

It is 6.30am and the key-holder has not arrived? 

Phone the Election Office immediately and we will arrange for the polling place to be opened.  Polling must begin at 7am.

A voter spoils a ballot paper?

  • Do not issue a tendered ballot paper
  • Ask the voter to return the ballot paper to you
  • write ‘cancelled’ on the ballot paper and the CNL
  • Place the spoilt ballot paper into the spoilt ballot paper envelope – not in the ballot box
  • Issue the voter with a new white ballot paper
  • Remember to record the details against the next number on the CNL

A voter asks what the Local Government election is about?

Explain to voters that this election is to vote for the local councillors to represent you within your ward.  If the voter asks more specific questions explain that you are involved in running the Local Government election and have to be neutral and independent. 

A voter asks how to complete their ballot paper?

Read out the instructions on the top of each ballot paper – stressing that it is voting using numbers.

A voter hands you a poll card without a name or address?

Poll cards like this are sent to anonymously registered voters and to the proxies of such voters.  Do not ask for the voter’s name and address.  Follow the procedure for issuing a ballot paper to anonymous voters.  Their entry will be at the back of the Register under ‘Other electors’.

A voter cannot gain access to the polling station? 

Take the ballot paper outside to the voter after informing any agents present.  Ensure the secrecy of the ballot at all times.  Follow public health advice as far as is practicable.

A disabled voter needs assistance? 

Offer assistance.  Explain what support is available.  Follow public health advice as far as is practicable.  If the Presiding Officer or a companion marks the ballot paper, record this information on the appropriate form in the Book of Forms.

A person is not on the register, postal, or proxy lists?

Do not issue a ballot paper.  Ask the Presiding Officer at Station 1 to check the master set of registers including any other voters which can be found at the end of the register.  Contact the Electoral Registration Office (ERO) to clarify the position. Complete the relevant form in the Polling Day Records/Information Booklet.

A member of your staff has a Certificate of Employment

Simply follow the following procedure:- 

  • record the polling district and elector number on the Certificate of Employment against the CNL - you will need to score out the existing Polling District on the Corresponding Number List 
  • issue the ballot paper as normal
  • write “cancelled” on the Certificate of Employment and place in the appropriate envelope 
  • the member of staff will vote as normal and put their vote in the ballot box

A voter wants to return their postal vote to the polling station?

Check the postal vote is for the South Lanarkshire area.  If so, take the postal vote from the voter.  Pass the postal vote to the Presiding Officer at Station No 1 who will put it in the appropriate envelope.

If it is for any other council area you cannot accept the postal vote at your polling station. 

A voter with an ‘A’ marker on the register list says they did not apply to vote by post? 

Do Not Issue an Ordinary Ballot Paper - if they have received their postal vote, encourage them to return it to a polling place within South Lanarkshire or to the Election Office by 10 pm.  If they can’t return it (ie they’ve lost it or not received it):

  • if someone has lost or spoilt their postal ballot they can get a replacement from the Council Offices up until 10pm
  • if the voter wishes a new postal voters pack, phone the Election Office on 01698 455745 in advance to provide the voters' details

Presiding Officers should only issue a tendered ballot paper if the voter chooses not to go to the Election Office and insists they wish to vote at the polling station. The Presiding Officer must ask the prescribed questions on pages 33-35 before issuing a tendered ballot paper.  Do not issue a tendered ballot paper if the questions are not answered satisfactorily 

Remember to complete the details on the ‘List of Electors' who claim not to have requested a Postal or Proxy Vote’ in the Polling Day Records/Information Booklet.

If someone has lost or spoilt their postal ballot they can only get a replacement up until 10pm.

A voter asks to vote on behalf of someone who has a medical or work emergency? 

Emergency Proxies will be advised to you by the Election Registration Office (ERO) Team (if they have been officially appointed by the ERO as an emergency proxy).  Only if you have been advised or the emergency proxy has the appropriate paperwork from the ERO can you issue a ballot paper.  If not, explain that emergency proxies can be appointed up until 5pm and refer them to the ERO for more information on this process.

If you, or someone else, suspects that the person applying for a ballot paper is not who they say they are? - Do not issue a tendered ballot paper

Before – and only before – issuing a ballot paper, the Presiding Officer must ask the prescribed questions  Agents have a right to require the Presiding Officer to ask these questions.  If they are answered satisfactorily, an ordinary ballot paper must be issued.  No further enquiries may be made as to someone’s rights to a ballot paper.  Inform the Election Office immediately of this action.  If the Presiding Officer suspects electoral fraud, they must inform the Police and contact the Election Office immediately or ask the Election Office to inform the Police.

The person asking for a ballot paper appears on the register as having already voted? 

Do not issue a tendered ballot paper straight away, instead check whether they had appointed a proxy, and also satisfy yourself that the Polling Clerk has not scored through the wrong person earlier in the day.  If not, then follow the tendered ballot paper process.  The Presiding Officer should ask the prescribed questions (p33-35) before issuing a tendered ballot paper.  Do not issue a tendered ballot paper if the questions are not answered satisfactorily. Complete the appropriate form in the Book of Forms and get the voter to sign it.  Inform the Election Office of this action.

Someone is leafleting in the polling place?

Agents are not permitted to leaflet in the polling place ie within the curtilage of the building.  Agents may, however, provided voters don’t feel intimidated and space permits, stand within the building (particularly in inclement weather).

Points to Note:-

  • Close of Poll – Pictorial guide has been printed on the reverse of the ‘Start of poll pictorial guide’ you should ensure you follow the instructions provided in this guide when packing away stationery items 
  • Certificates of Employment – placed on top of all paperwork in the trolley case

There is a serious disturbance (eg fire, flood, etc)

Do not put the safety of anyone at risk.  If it is an emergency call 999.  Inform the Election Office immediately and you will be advised of what course of action to take.

Someone is campaigning or leafleting in the polling place?

Campaigning or leafleting is not permitted within the curtilage of the polling place ie in the building or inside the perimeter fence.  Candidates/agents may ask the Presiding Officer at station number 1 to show them the layout plan which details the curtilage of the building.

For this event, it is almost impossible to accommodate candidates and agents being permitted inside the entrance area of the majority of polling places and, at the same time, maintain safe 1m distancing arrangements. The priority is to ensure the entrances are not congested so that voters feel safe on arrival at their polling place and also that they don’t feel intimidated. 1m distance has been compromised.

Covid Marshalls will be on duty and key elements of their responsibilities are:- 

  • controlling access to the polling place
  • providing advice and assistance to voters
  • reinforcing the public health measures expected of polling staff and voters
  • monitoring the flow of voters through the polling place and acting where necessary to avoid bottlenecks and excessive numbers entering the building
  • ensuring access and egress points to the polling place is secure

Candidates and agents - have been asked to respect the measures in place to ensure safe systems of work are maintained throughout the day. The Returning Officer's principal consideration is the health and safety of candidates, agents, voters, and staff and this will not be compromised

  • rosettes with a candidate or party details are permitted to be worn. If someone is in the polling station for a prolonged period of time (for the purposes of detecting Personation) they should remove their rosette
  • Close of poll pictorial guide has been printed on the reverse of the ‘Start of poll pictorial guide’ you should ensure you follow the instructions provided in this guide when packing away stationery items to ensure the count arrangements run smoothly