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1st Law Boy's & Girls Brigade - 12 November 2023 (098/2023)

1st Law Boy's & Girls Brigade - 12 November 2023 (098/2023) | South Lanarkshire Council
Organisation name1st Law Boy's & Girls Brigade
Procession date12/11/2023
Procession areaClydesdale area
Procession townLaw Village
Outward routeDepart Manse Road, turning right onto Lawhill Road, Enter park to war memorial for a short service at 11am. Leave park, continuing down Lawhill Road at bottom of road, turn right onto Station Road, continue on Station Road to Law Parish Church car park.
Outward time10:50am
Accompanying bandsLone Piper
Estimated number in procession60
Notification statusGranted
Last objection date18/10/2023