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Stopping-up order - 4 Redwood Crescent, East Kilbride

Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997

The Stopping-Up of Roads (South Lanarkshire Council – 4 Redwood Crescent, East Kilbride) Order

South Lanarkshire Council hereby give notice in terms of Paragraph 11 of Schedule 16 of the Town and County Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 that on 15 October 2024 they confirmed the above Order. The effect of the Order, as confirmed, is to authorise the stopping-up of a length of road 4 Redwood Crescent, East Kilbride the length of road and footpath to be stopped-up measuring 143.3 metres or thereby and shown hatched and outlined in black on the plan annexed and executed as relative to the Order.

Copies of the Order and relevant plan specifying the length of road and footpath to be stopped-up may be inspected free of charge by any person at the following offices.



Legal Services
Contracts and Conveyancing Team
Floor 13
Council Offices
Almada Street, Hamilton, ML3 0AA

8.45am-4.45pm Monday – Thursday
8.45am-4.15pm Friday

Ian Strachan
Head of Legal and Administration Services