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Local Nature Reserves in South Lanarkshire

Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) are locally important areas of natural heritage, usually close to towns and cities. LNRs are valuable places as they combine protection of the natural heritage with opportunities for people to enjoy, learn about and experience nature close to their homes.

Langlands Moss was designated as a LNR in 1996 and remained the only reserve until 2022 when the council declared 16 new LNRs along with an extension to Langlands Moss. Information on each site can be found by clicking on its name on the list below. On each page you will find a draft management statement which will be developed into a full site plan, in partnership with the local community. 


Two of the LNRs – Hamilton Low Parks and Backmuir Woods – included areas of Common Good Land, so were subject to consultation under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015. This consultation closed on 11 February 2022 with no adverse comments having been received and these two LNRs have accordingly now been designated.

The annual report on Local Nature Reserves brings together information on volunteering, community work and projects on each of the sites.

Countryside and Greenspace Service

Email: Countryside and Greenspace Service