Council Plan Connect 2022-27: Quarter 2 Progress Report 2024-25
The Council Plan Connect covering the period 2022-27 was approved by South Lanarkshire Council at its meeting on 15 June 2022. The Plan sets out the council’s vision, values, priorities and outcomes for the five-year period.
As part of the performance reporting arrangements progress reports on the Council Plan are provided at the mid-year point (Quarter 2) and at the end of the financial year (Quarter 4).
To report progress against the Council Plan, key measures within Resource Plans are brought together into a Connect report to provide a balanced picture of council performance against Connect Outcomes.
The council’s performance management reporting system IMPROVe uses a traffic light format with the following definitions to give a status report on each action or performance measure:
Status |
Definition |
Blue |
Project complete |
Green |
The timescale or target has been met as per expectations |
Amber |
There has been minor slippage against timescale or minor shortfall against target |
Red |
There has been major slippage against timescale or major shortfall against target |
Report later |
The information is not yet available to allow us to say whether the target has been reached or not. This will be reported when available |
Contextual |
Included for ‘information only’, to set performance information in context |
The overall summary of Connect progress to date is as follows:
Status |
Statistical measures |
Project measures |
Total |
% |
Blue |
N/A |
1 |
1 |
2% |
Green |
24 |
19 |
43 |
70% |
Amber |
4 |
4 |
8 |
13% |
Red |
2 |
1 |
3 |
5% |
Report later/Contextual |
5 |
1 |
6 |
10% |
Totals |
35 |
26 |
61 |
100% |
Data as at 31 Oct 2024
Key achievements to date against each of the six Connect Outcomes are summarised below:
Connect Outcome - Communities and Environment
- The percentage of household waste sent to landfill in the period January to June 2024 was 1.64%, remaining well below (better than) the 5% target.
- The percentage of properties with Full Fibre Connection has increased to 50.6%, exceeding the annual target of 43%
- Primary school meal uptake for the period April to September was 70%, exceeding target (66%). The new menu started on 26 August 2024.
- A programme of bridge and other structure projects has continued to be implemented, including the £9.4m replacement of the Clyde Bridge completed in Quarter one.
- Stewartfield Way/ East Kilbride Town Centre Enhancement - a report was presented to Community and Enterprise Committee during April 2024 outlining the revised project. Updated traffic modelling has been completed and approval for the project's wider aims was obtained by the Glasgow City Region Chief Executives' Group in June 2024. A further report will be taken to Committee before completion/submission of the Outline Business Case (OBC) to the Glasgow City Region (GCR) Programme Management Office (PMO).
- South Lanarkshire University Health and Social Care Partnership (SLUHSCP) continues to embed Care Opinion across all services and recently dovetailed with public engagement sessions held to develop the next Strategic Commissioning Plan 2025-28.
- Recent statistics have shown that, in its early stages, the SLUHSCP has far exceeded the national average with record levels of engagement. In the first quarter of 2024-2025, South Lanarkshire University HSCP received 171 stories from members of the public. 92% of these stories were positive and received 218 responses from staff and services and 91.2% of stories were responded to within 7 days. Moreover, these stories have been read more than 7,463 times.
Connect Outcome - Education and Learning
- SQA examination results for the 2024 exam diet were published by SQA on 6 August 2024. SLC pupils were presented for over 80,000 qualifications at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher levels. When compared with National pass rates (based on entries in other Local Authorities) attainment levels in SLC are above the National Pattern.
- An increasing percentage of our primary schools are now offering play-based learning at each stage between Primary 1-3. There is also one establishment implementing this approach across a P1-4 class.
Primary 1: Approximately 79.4%
Primary 2: Approximately 53.7%
Primary 3: Approximately 24.1%
- Mobilize Music Project. To September 2024, the project has engaged almost 150 young people aged between 12 and 25 in music-based learning opportunities. These free opportunities have included access to music rehearsal spaces, recording sessions for our annual album project where young people write and record original songs for release, live performance opportunities through our monthly gig nights and open mic nights, access to music tuition on drums, guitar, ukulele and vocals, and group singing as part of our choir group.
- Many learners have reported increased aspirations and have progressed to further learning opportunities such as further education courses at College and University or progressing to engaging in live performance at music venues in Glasgow and beyond. Learners also report increases in self-esteem and confidence, and they report that participation in the project results in much improved mental wellbeing
Connect Outcome - Health and Wellbeing
- The council’s affordable housing supply programme continues to increase the supply of council homes across South Lanarkshire, with a focus on ensuring that the new homes provide for changes in people's needs over the course of time.
- All applications for adaptations to council homes were approved.
- The council has appointed a consultant to undertake an independent objective review of council properties, including those operated by South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture (SLLC). At the same time, the £13m Transition Fund is helping to modernise the leisure and culture asset base.
- Formal grant funding from SPT to support active travel behaviour change initiatives has been confirmed and a grant of £195,500 has been awarded.
Scottish Government funding is being used to support air quality monitoring activities as well as for active travel promotional campaigns, anti-idling campaigns, and Eco Stars support for businesses that operate fleet which travel through the South Lanarkshire area. - As at 30 September 2024, there were a total of 704 Looked After Children with 631 (90%) looked after in a community based setting. This position has been consistent since 1 April 2021 and reflects South Lanarkshire’s commitment to shift the way care is delivered to Looked After Children, with continued support to children and young people within the community.
- In continuing to support carers, 1,762 co-produced assessments have been approved which is in line with the service achieving the annual target of 3,000 assessments.
- SLC work on Cost of the School Day presented at the national Facing Up to Poverty in Schools Network and highlighted as an example of good practice.
Connect Outcome - Children and Young People
- An individual housing plan was developed for all young people leaving care
- As at September 2024, South Lanarkshire continues to have no under 18s in Polmont Young Offenders Institution. This has been the case since September 2021 and reflects the success of the proactive Whole System Approach, use of secure care (where necessary) and robust multi agency community risk management plans
- Adult Literacy and Numeracy Team:
- Over 200 adults have been supported to increase their skills in literacy and numeracy using the Social Practice Model of adult learning where learning is contextualised according to a learner’s interests, aspirations and goals. Additionally, 25% of these have successfully achieved accredited qualifications in SQA Core Skills (Communication/Numeracy/ICT) or REHIS (food safety)
- 10% of adult literacy learners advanced to further education or training, while 5% secured employment, demonstrating the effectiveness of adult literacy and numeracy provision in facilitating career progression for those furthest removed from the labour market - ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages): Over the period 189 ESOL learners attended YFCL ESOL Provision across South Lanarkshire.
- Multiply on Tour successfully engaged 581 adults in a series of summer events, highlighting the prevalence of numeracy in everyday life and promoting opportunities for adult learning.
Connect Outcome - Housing and Land
- Through its Affordable Housing Supply Programme, the council is on track to deliver a further 50 new council homes at Brackenhill Farm, Hamilton during 2024-2025. Planning and pre-development work is also underway to deliver over 250 new homes across eight sites in East Kilbride, Hamilton, Larkhall and Cambuslang throughout 2025-26.
- In addition, progress is being made to acquire a further 150 homes this year through the Market Purchase Scheme, aiming to meet immediate housing needs in priority areas.
- 99% of reactive repairs were completed right first time
- 63.8% of lets to urgent homeless (UH) households, ensuring those with the highest housing need are prioritised
Connect Outcome - Our Economy
- To date, 1,340 participants have been supported on employability programmes, well on the way to reaching the 1,500 target.
- Preparation of the Evidence Report which forms the first stage of the Local Development Plan 3 (LDP3) has commenced. An engagement strategy has been developed and incorporated in the 2024 Development Plan Scheme which received approval from the Planning Committee in May 2024.
In addition to working towards the six Connect Outcomes, the council will continually aim to improve and ensure effective and efficient use of resources, and that business will be conducted with integrity and transparency and will operate to the highest standards. In order to monitor and report progress against these values, Resource outcomes have also been identified, under the heading Delivering the Plan and achieving Best Value. Related achievements to date are summarised below:
Delivering the Plan and achieving Best Value
- Against an extremely challenging set of socio-economic circumstances, positive performance was achieved: the percentage of gross rent arrears (current and former) reduced over the same period from 8.00% in 2023-24 (Q4) to 7.26% in Quarter 2.
- With assistance from the Local Government Improvement Service, the council developed an SLC-focused LGBF dashboard reflecting the council's strategic outcomes as set out in the Council Plan, Connect. Following a presentation at the Performance and Review Scrutiny Forum (PRSF) on 28 May 2024, the dashboard was made available to the public via a link on the performance pages of the council's website.
- Oracle Fusion - HR and Payroll modules went live in August 2024.
Progress to date against the full suite of measures is contained in the Connect Quarter 2 Performance Report 2023-24, presented to the Performance and Review Scrutiny Forum (PRSF).
To focus attention on areas where there may be scope for improvement, additional information is provided for Resource Plan results, in the same period, recorded as being either
- Red status: there has been major slippage against timescale or major shortfall against target or
- Amber status: There has been minor slippage against timescale or minor shortfall against target
Connect Outcome: Communities and Environment
Resource Measure/ Action |
Status |
Progress/ Management action being taken |
Number of road casualties in South Lanarkshire during 2024. |
Amber |
Provisional casualty figures are available for first seven calendar months of 2024, when there were 211 casualties. Of these, there was 1 fatal casualty, 79 serious casualties and 131 slight casualties. There were 0 child fatal casualties, 5 children seriously injured and 23 children slightly injured. These can be compared with the same period in 2023, when there were 220 casualties. Of these, there were 4 fatalities, 69 serious casualties and 147 slight casualties. For children in 2023, there were 0 child fatal casualties, 11 children seriously injured and 15 children slightly injured. It should be noted that traffic volumes have now returned closer to pre-Covid levels which is reflected in the casualties numbers. |
Percentage of total household waste that is recycled in 2024 |
Amber |
This measure is reported per calendar year, so the calendar year to date figure for January to June 2024 is 42.94% and is lower than the annual target of 50%. However, it is noted that the figure rose to 46.97% during the period from April to June 2024. The inability to recycle Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating (WUDS) means that this type of waste goes to landfill, and is affecting the percentage of total household waste that is recycled. However, it is not possible to measure exactly what the impact is as the specific amount of WUDS going to landfill is not recorded. The percentage of total household waste that is recycled will continue to be monitored. |
Percentage of streets found to be acceptable during Litter Monitoring Systems Surveys |
Amber |
Surveys are undertaken three times per year. The figure to date reflects the results from the first survey only. With two more surveys to be undertaken over the year, there is still potential that the target at year end will be met. |
Prepare an Open Space Strategy in partnership with Glasgow and Clyde Valley Green Network Partnership and other council services |
Amber |
Engagement on the Council's Open Space Strategy and Play Sufficiency Assessment will be carried in quarter three of 2024/25. It is anticipated that a draft Open Space Strategy will be reported to the Planning Committee in September 2025, slightly later than first indicated. |
Draft Local Transport Strategy will be presented to Committee in Autumn 2024 |
Amber |
An initial draft structure of Local Transport Strategy (LTS) was submitted to the Community and Enterprise Resource Committee in April 2024. To allow for the strategy to take cognisance of the latest Transport Scotland guidance issued in June 2024, consultation on the draft Local Transport Strategy will now be undertaken in Autumn 2024, with the draft LTS to be presented to Committee for approval, potentially, in February 2025. |
Connect Outcome: Health and wellbeing
Resource Measure |
Status |
Progress/ Management action being taken |
Percentage of reports submitted to the Children’s Reporter within agreed timescales. |
Red |
To address this, monthly meetings are now taking place with locality Fieldwork Managers and representatives from the Scottish Children's Reporters Administration, providing an opportunity for the Reporter to flag up reports early. Further actions taken to address improvement include early tracking of reports by Service Managers, and improved staffing levels which has been a locality improvement activity for all front-line managers in Children and Families. We are confident that with the above measures in place, the target will be met within the next quarter. |
Percentage of people on CPO unpaid work requirement seen within five working days by their case manager. |
Red |
In the year to date 70% (243 out of 347) orders were inducted within timescales. A text reminder service has been implemented for all unpaid work service users to encourage attendance at unpaid work. This is supported by 4 weekly reviews for all non-attenders as standard, regardless of circumstances, to ensure robust management of the order(s). |
Percentage of people starting their placement within seven days of a CPO unpaid work. |
Red |
In the year to date, 68% (236 out of 347) orders were inducted within timescales. A text reminder service has been implemented for all unpaid work service users to encourage attendance at unpaid work. This is supported by 4 weekly reviews for all non-attenders as standard, regardless of circumstances, to ensure robust management of the order(s). |
Percentage of care at home hours reduced through Home First intervention. |
Amber |
To date, 419 Home First episodes have been successfully completed, with care packages being reduced by 28%. The service has again seen an increased number of service users with more complex needs over the quarter. This has resulted in reduced opportunities for reablement and rehabilitation with service users and has subsequently led to a reduction in the hours reduced at the end of the Home First journey. A revised eligibility criteria is currently being finalised to maximise the potential benefits of the service for service users. |
Embed the principles and practices in the Inclusion Framework across schools, to improve outcomes for children and young people, and provide a progress report to the Education Resources Committee. |
Amber |
New Framework for Inclusion and Equality has been launched to all Head Teachers at Inclusion Conference 2024. Progress report against the framework will be submitted to the next Education Resources Committee |
Connect Outcome: Children and young people
Resource Measure |
Status |
Progress/ Management action being taken |
Report on the progress on the training programme provided through the Additional Support Needs Continued Professional Development hub. |
Amber |
Progress has been assessed and relayed to all schools at Inclusion Conference. Easier ways to engage and a map of the hub has been provided to improve engagement. |
Connect Outcome: Housing and land
Resource Measure |
Status |
Progress/ Management action being taken |
No of times we did not, meet our obligation to complete the annual gas safety check by annual anniversary date (SSHC) |
Amber |
5 services beyond target date, all now complete. Issues identified have now been resolved |
% of Housing Options interventions where Homelessness prevented |
Red |
As at quarter 2, 356 (57.42%) homeless cases prevented. The operating context in relation to the prevention of homelessness remains extremely challenging. The prevailing socio-economic conditions continues to adversely impact upon the ability to prevent homelessness during 2024/25. This trend has been mirrored nationally. |
Continue to implement Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan |
Red |
5th and final RRTP annual review reported to committee, ongoing actions incorporated into new Homeless Strategic plan. Actions identified to address severe pressure on homelessness services are being monitored closely, and impact will be reported to committee as part of annual review process. |
Connect Outcome: Our Economy
Resource Measure |
Status |
Progress/ Management action being taken |
Number of business support interventions per annum by Economic Development (grants, loans or advice) |
Amber |
This year represents a transition for the Business Gateway changing from a contract based, external provider model to an in house model. Since this change a decision was made that all referrals for business advice be referred directly to the Business Gateway and from now on they will be the public facing organisation for business support in South Lanarkshire. The previous model was target driven around the number of business engagements which diluted the effectiveness of service delivery. Through a revised customer focused service approach appropriate target levels will be established through this first year of altered service delivery. |
Number of new South Lanarkshire business starts supported by Business Gateway |
Amber |
This year represents a transition for the Business Gateway, changing from a contract based external provider model, to an in house model which will reflect a more customer focused, rather than target driven, delivery model. This first year target and performance reflects the two months of transition when there was a physical move and then employee training. The target has been adjusted to reflect expectations over a 10 month period. |
Delivery of the Levelling Up Fund grant funded projects through the Clydesdale Way and Shawfield Remediation with a value of £6.7m in 2024-25 |
Amber |
The final onboarding of both projects between the council and the UK Government, and Dumfries and Galloway and the UK Government, have been delayed subject to review by the UK Government of spend. Further information expected in the 30 October 2024 Budget Statement. Clydesdale Way: The procurement exercise for the Project Management Contract has concluded and the contract can be awarded if/when the Levelling Up Fund (LUF) award is confirmed. Shawfield: the council continues to work closely with Clyde Gateway who are fully sighted on the UK Government's (UKG's) position regarding the LUF and the implications of the current UK Government spending review. |
Delivering the plan and achieving Best Value
Resource Measure |
Status |
Progress/ Management action being taken |
Money Matter Advice – to write off 20% of all debt dealt with by bankruptcy or creditor write offs |
Red |
This is a new target set for 2023/24 with 20% target based on the 23% that was achieved in 2022/23. The level of debt written off by creditors for clients is dependent on a variety of factors including the type of debt involved and the range of debt solutions available. Money Matters offer options on debt solutions to support the client and explain the implications of each, however the selection of any one solution is a decision for the client to take. Also, once a debt solution is selected, there can be a time delay between verifying the debt and a successful solution being implemented and this can also impact performance. |
Liquor licensing processing target - 97% within service targets |
Amber |
Whilst the PI has not been met over this Quarter, performance has improved on a monthly basis, with July being 61%, August 84% and September 94%. We will continue to ensure that priority is given to urgent, time critical service requests. |
Pay invoices within the target of 28 days |
Amber |
Payment of invoices continues to make steady progress since Oracle Fusion went live on 1 April: the Payables team continue to work closely with Resources to improve performance on invoice holds |
Registration processing target - 97.5% within service targets |
Amber |
Monthly figures are improving however running totals are still below the target. Team Leaders have been reminded to allocate tasks depending on the nature of the business within performance targets where possible. |
Implement the new Social Work IT system by October 2024. |
Red |
The Social Work case management system replacement project is now working to a revised implementation date. The additional time will take into consideration the complexities around the finance systems, data migration, data quality and ensure sufficient testing is undertaken. To date significant progress has been made as the project continues to progress with the implementation. A fully comprehensive familiarisation and training plan is in place. In addition business change processes are in place to support all services at go live. |