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Council Plan Connect 2022-27: Quarter 4 Progress Report 2023-24

The Council Plan Connect covering the period 2022-27 was approved by South Lanarkshire Council at its meeting on 15 June 2022. The Plan sets out the council’s vision, values, priorities and outcomes for the five-year period.

As part of the performance reporting arrangements progress reports on the Council Plan are provided at the mid-year point (Quarter 2) and at the end of the financial year (Quarter 4).

To report progress against the Council Plan key measures within Resource Plans are brought together into a Connect report to provide a balanced picture of council performance against Connect Outcomes.

The council’s performance management reporting system IMPROVe uses a traffic light format with the following definitions to give a status report on each action or performance measure:




Project complete


The timescale or target has been met as per expectations


There has been minor slippage against timescale or minor shortfall against target


There has been major slippage against timescale or major shortfall against target

Report later

The information is not yet available to allow us to say whether the target has been reached or not. This will be reported when available


Included for ‘information only’, to set performance information in context

The overall summary of Connect progress to date is as follows:


Statistical measures

Project measures























Report later/Contextual










Data as at 17 May 2024

Key achievements to date against each of the six Connect Outcomes are summarised below:

Connect Outcome - Communities and Environment

  • The percentage of properties with Full Fibre Connection has exceeded the 2023-24 target by 1.5%. Investment in Full Fibre connection to households continues within urban areas with 34.5% of properties now connected.
  • The Climate Emergency Community Grants fund was re-launched in April 2023 and has once again proven to be a big success, with the £75,000 fully committed by the end of June 2023. A full report on the overall impact of the Climate community grants will be presented to the Climate Change and Sustainability Committee at the beginning of 2025.
  • During 2023, 1.5% of household waste was sent to landfill, which is significantly below (better than) the target of 10%.
  • Consultation on the draft Carers Strategy has included a number of focus groups with service users and carers which assisted with the strategic priorities for carers.
  • South Lanarkshire University Health and Social Care Partnership (SLUHSCP) has implemented Care Opinion across all Adult and Older People services and work is progressing to embed in Children and Justice Social Work services. To date, 73 stories have been received from patients, service users and their families, providing valuable feedback to services.
  • The Care Opinion lead for SLUHSCP has been attending forums to promote the use of Care Opinion, including Locality Implementation Groups, Learning and Development Groups and reporting to the Joint Locality Performance Quarterly Review. A quarterly training schedule is under development and Communications is working on a tailored briefing for Care at Home staff.
  • Works are complete for the Office for Zero Emissions Vehicles (OZEC) Project that consists of the installation of 13 dual on-street electric chargers in various residential streets.
  • As part of our efforts to identify opportunities to increase food growing provision a new allotment site at Chatelherault Country Park is now fully operational and all plots are now let.
  • A number of cycling and walking projects were progressed during 2023-24, including:
    • Active Travel Studies completed for towns such as Blackwood, Kirkmuirhill, Abington, Crawford, Carnwath, Forth and Biggar.
    • Development of a segregated cycle network with enhanced pedestrian facilities in East Kilbride is now complete on Churchill Avenue, linking West Mains Road to Cornwall Street and towards the trunk road network on the A726.
    • Locations for cycle shelters and parking stands in schools have been identified and funding awarded by Cycling Scotland - works will be undertaken in early summer 2024.
  • The Community Wish list is a way that local communities can make specific requests for support from council suppliers or contractors that will benefit their local community, their projects and causes. The Community Wish List has thrived over the course of the year. 111 Community Wishes were received from a range of community groups across South Lanarkshire and 41 Wishes were answered, with a range of financial donations, goods and materials and food items, totalling £29,475. Including a light installed by Block Architects to illuminate a defibrillator available at Blantyre Old Parish Church.

Connect Outcome - Education and Learning

  • In literacy 73.5% of primary aged pupils achieved the appropriate attainment level, an increase of 2.2% points from the previous year. The ‘closing the gap’ data has improved by 2.1% points.
  • In numeracy 81.6% of primary aged pupils achieved the appropriate attainment level an increase of 2.5% points from the previous year.
  • In literacy and numeracy, for secondary aged pupils (2022-23) there is a strong performance that stands out as one of the best in recent years
    Literacy: saw the highest percentage of S4 candidates achieving SCQF Level 4 Literacy in 5 years
    Numeracy: S4 candidates achieved the highest percentage at SCQF Level 4 since 2020
  • 13 establishments were inspected and received positive outcomes with a grade of good or above. Feedback provided to schools as part of the process was very positive.
  • The percentage of young people who have left school and moved into a positive destination is 96.8% - the highest in the last 5 years and above the national average of 95.8%.
  • At the national Scottish Education Awards held on 7 June 2023, South Lanarkshire Education Resources had five finalists: With Mrs Fiona Mullen, Head Teacher of St Andrew’s and St Bride’s High School winning the highly prestigious ‘Head Teacher of the Year Award’.
  • 389 young people achieved Duke of Edinburgh Award accreditation:-
  • 3 Gold, 20 Silver and 243 Bronze awards with 123 receiving Certificates of Achievement.
  • The new Jackton Primary School opened to pupils in August 2023.

Connect Outcome - Health and Wellbeing

  • Of the 104 new homes completed to date in 2023-24, all have been built to ‘Housing for Varying Needs’ standards and are easily adaptable to accommodate tenants’ changing needs over time. Located in Larkhall, Strathaven and Hamilton the new homes comprise a mix of terraced, semi-detached and flatted properties alongside larger family homes.
    20 of the 104 (19.2%) new council homes completed in 2023-24 were accessible for wheelchairs, exceeding the target of 10% established in the Local Housing Strategy 2022-27. The homes are located close to existing services, amenities and transport links allowing tenants to easily connect with the existing community.
    The council’s affordable housing supply programme continues to increase the supply of council homes across South Lanarkshire, with a focus on ensuring that the new homes provide for changing in people’s need over the course of time.
  • Over 50% of children and young people that access counselling are from SIMD 1-4, and 7% are care experienced. Evidence is showing that there are positive outcomes for those that have completed counselling.
  • All schools and educational settings are now providing free and easy to collect period products as and when required.
  • Implementation of the multi-year Play Area Investment Programme is well underway with consultation undertaken in Larkhall, Rutherglen and Cambuslang with local members and young people. The contract for the play areas in Larkhall identified for refurbishment has been awarded and works have started on site.
  • Over 7,500 children and their families are benefitting from the council’s investment in early learning and childcare
  • South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership and the Adult Protection Committee (APC) have collaborated with the national Right Decision Service provided by the Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre to deliver an Adult Support and Protection (ASP) Decision Support Web and Mobile App. The app launched in February 2023, empowers partners across all sectors to quickly access and apply ASP guidance consistently and in a person-centred way. This is the first Public Protection app to be developed in Scotland and has received high praise and a lot of interest from partners across the country.
  • As at 31 March 2024, there were a total of 694 Looked After Children, 70 (10%) were looked after in a residential setting including local authority houses, secure accommodation and residential schools. This position has been consistent since 1 April 2021 and reflects South Lanarkshire’s commitment to shift the way care is delivered to Looked After Children, with continued support to children and young people within the community. The Resource has supported an increased number of adult carers with access to Carers SDS Support packages. The Carers commissioned services from Lanarkshire Carers (Adult Carers) and Action for Children (Young Carers) continue to support increased numbers of Carers/Young Carers in the Community as evidenced in their quarterly reporting.
  • The Family Support Hub annual report has been published and details the impact of the first year of operation.
    Engagement and feedback from families has been a clear indicator of impact. Families have shared their positive experiences of support delivered from the family support hubs. Notably families reported that supports were available at the right time for them, that the approach was caring and supportive and assisted them in overcoming obstacles and trauma to improve their situation.
    The holistic family support delivered from the hubs includes a parenting support pathway to divert vulnerable pregnancies away from child protection. Peer support staff are embedded in each hub to support parents who have experienced drug and alcohol difficulties. A trauma counsellor has been recruited, this will enhance the reflective practice coordinator aligned to Hubs in ensuring practice is trauma informed and creates capacity for direct counselling support to families.
  • Justice Social Work Services commenced the Alcohol and Drug Problem Solving Court on 4 December 2023 within Hamilton Sheriff Court. To date 8 service users have been included within the structured deferred sentence court and are engaging with Justice Social Work and recovery community support. The contract award to a third sector provider has concluded and the independent evaluation has been awarded to a research fellow within the University West of Scotland. Justice Social Work Services commenced the Alcohol and Drug Problem Solving Court on 4 December 2023 within Hamilton Sheriff Court. At the end of March 8 service users have been included within the structured deferred sentence court and are engaging with Justice Social Work and recovery community support. SACRO peer mentoring services were awarded the contract in April 2024 and independent evaluation has been awarded to a research fellow within the University West of Scotland. The Peer Support Service launched on 14 June 2024.

Connect Outcome - Children and Young People

  • 100% of young people leaving care were provided with a housing options discussion which resulted in the development of an individual housing plan.
  • 300 young people received a South Lanarkshire Achievement Award on 31 May 2023
  • Over 200 S1 to S3 pupils took part in the second Climate Change and Sustainability Conference.
  • The launch of the Cost of the School Day and Poverty Guidance document for all schools and establishments took place on 25 March 2024.
  • South Lanarkshire continue to have no under 18s in Polmont Young Offenders Institution since September 2021 and this reflects the success of the proactive Whole System Approach and use of secure care (where necessary) and robust multi agency community risk management plans.

Connect Outcome - Housing and Land

  • We continue to increase the supply of affordable housing with the delivery of 269 additional new houses provided in 2023-24. This includes 104 new build properties and 165 properties have been acquired through the market purchase scheme.
  • 92.2% of tenancies were sustained for more than a year.
  • 99% of reactive repairs were completed right first time.
  • Ensuring those with the highest housing need are prioritised with 62.9% of lets to Urgent homeless (UH) need households. A further 3.41% of lets were allocated to other urgent need categories.

Connect Outcome - Our Economy

  • The number of jobs created or sustained per annum, and the increased value of sales generated by businesses, as a direct result of Economic Development intervention exceeded the targets set. 646 jobs were created or sustained, and increased sales derived exclusively from additional sales through Business Support Grants amounted to £14.496m.
  • Programmes aimed at developing the skills of business owners, and the growth of businesses in the following sectors have been delivered during 2023-24: Construction, Social Economy, Tourism, and Food and Drink.
  • A new South Lanarkshire Social Enterprise Strategy was approved by Executive Committee on 21 June 2023. The Strategy sets out the council’s commitment to increase the number of social enterprises and improve the sustainability of the sector in South Lanarkshire.
  • Agreement has been reached with VisitScotland for them to provide funding to enable the council to support agritourism businesses to become quality assured.
  • NHS Demonstrator Programme is delivered in partnership with South Lanarkshire Council and NHS Lanarkshire. Its target group is parents who are in the 6 key priority groups and is funded by No One Left Behind/Tackling Child Poverty from the Scottish Government. Each participant has a key worker who supports them to prepare for starting a 6 month paid employment role within an NHS or the company ISS. Each post is flexible to meet the needs of the individual in relation to hours and working patterns. These posts are fully funded by South Lanarkshire Council and will be contracted up to the end of June 2024.

In addition to working towards the six Connect Outcomes, the council will continually aim to improve and ensure effective and efficient use of resources, and that business will be conducted with integrity and transparency and will operate to the highest standards. In order to monitor and report progress against these values, Resource outcomes have also been identified, under the heading Delivering the Plan and achieving Best Value. Related achievements to date are summarised below:

Delivering the Plan and achieving Best Value

  • During the period 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024, South Lanarkshire Council employees completed 130,729 eLearning modules.
    In the same period, 10,248 employees attended 1,214 classroom-based events, and 3,402 employees attended 311 virtual online events.
  • The council submitted a favourable year-end position to the council’s Executive Committee on 21 June 2023.
    The Unaudited Annual Accounts were presented to the Risk and Audit Scrutiny Forum on 27 June 2023, before being submitted to External Audit by the statutory deadline of 30 June 2023.
  • Against an extremely challenging set of socio-economic circumstances, positive performance, against previous year, was achieved in relation to:-
    the percentage of rent collected increased from 98.8% Quarter 2 to 99.5% in Quarter 4.
    the percentage of gross rent arrears (current and former) reduced over the same period from 8.3% Quarter 2 to 8.0% in Quarter 4.
  • A new Cemetery Strategy was approved at Community and Enterprise Resources Committee in May 2023 to allow the service to take forward and develop new working arrangements within Bereavement Services.
  • Primary, Additional Support Needs and Early Years Refresh - 141 establishments were upgraded with over 4,000 devices delivered.
    Education establishments wireless expansion programme - over 30 establishments now have upgraded wireless functionality.

Progress to date against the full suite of measures is contained in the Connect Quarter 4 Performance Report, presented to the Performance and Review Scrutiny Forum (PRSF)

A further analysis introduced to aid scrutiny of performance, is to highlight and explain all measures that have changed status from Quarter 2 to Quarter 4. On analysis of these, nine measures show a decline in performance, details of which are included in the table below. The remaining measures under scrutiny showed an improvement in status between Quarter 2 and Quarter 4, for example, changed from Green or Report later to Blue (complete) and need no further action.


Q2 status

Q4 status

Q4 comments

Make an annual saving from using recycled items as opposed to new through the joint store (SWR)



The 2023-24 figures show there has been a saving for the council of £155,580 - 78% of the annual target of £200,000. The cumulative total for recycled equipment is:

No of items – 1,330

Cost of items - £127,238

Value of items - £282,819

The 2023-24 financial year has seen the introduction and implementation of eligibility criteria for the direct provision of all equipment and adaptations solutions that are assessed as being needed. This has resulted in a downturn of approximately one third in the overall number of items purchased when compared to the same period in the last financial year. Assessment staff continue to select recycled items when available as a first choice for all authorised requests, which has seen the value of recycled items obtained decreasing by only around 17% over the same period. This indicates than an even greater proportion of orders are placed by selecting recycled items. Equipu and assessment staff continue to actively encourage people to return all previously issued equipment items to be available for recycling. Considering the overall downturn in general purchase activity, the £50k quarterly target for saving over new that was set when overall activity had been significantly higher is not realistic or achievable. The sustainability agenda and best value agenda is being better served however by the reduction in overall activity
Percentage of our road network that should be considered for maintenance treatment (CER) Report later Red This figure is derived from the Society of Chief Officers of Transportation in Scotland (SCOTS) Road Condition Index (RCI) survey which is undertaken each year. The target figure of 30.8% is based on the results for the period 2021-23. The revised figure for 2022-24 at 31.9% indicates a regression of 1.1% of the amount of our road network in an amber or red status. Deterioration is also showing across individual road categories to a similar extent
Percentage of total household waste that is recycled in 2023 (CER) Amber Red This measure is reported per calendar year. The year to date figure reflects performance from January to December 2023 (43.75%). This remains below the target of 50%. The new bulky waste contract continues to increase the quantities of bulky waste being recycled. Performance will continue to be closely monitored.
% of Housing Options interventions where Homelessness prevented (RP) (HTR) Amber Red During 2023-24, 633 (60.8%) homeless cases prevented against the target of 70%. The operating context in relation to the prevention of homelessness continues to be extremely challenging this year. The prevailing socio-economic conditions adversely impacted upon the ability to prevent homelessness during 2023-24. This trend has been mirrored nationally
Number of business support interventions per annum by Economic Development (grants, loans or advice) (CER) Green Red The Business Support service supported 829 businesses during 2023-24, significantly lower than the target of 1,200. There are a number of contributing factors that have led to this reduction, including that the Business Growth Grant did not open until August 2023 and there were less face to face events this year e.g. no business exhibitions or ‘meet the real buyer’ events. The Business Support section have been impacted by reduced resources, in particular a reduction in the number of staff within the team. For 2024-25, the targets will need to be reviewed in line with the reduced resources available within the team. The Business Gateway Service has been taken into North Lanarkshire Council. This provides opportunities to review how the council supports businesses and will also be a factor in a review of targets.
Number of unemployed people gaining sustainable employment (FCR) Green Amber Through participation on our employability programmes 643 people have progressed into sustainable employment. This is 32 short of our target, however, throughout the year we have worked with a high number of employability participants who are further away from the labour market and who require longer term support. This includes people with disabilities and parents in particular.
Complete procurement exercise to identify partner to meet SLC Digital Connectivity requirements, including improved availability and affordability of broadband and 4G/5G mobile services across the council area (FCR) Green Amber Report to be prepared for Q1 2024-25.
Draft Open Space strategy to be presented to the Planning Committee by March 2024 (CER) Green Amber Timescales for the presentation of a draft Open Space Strategy to the Planning Committee have been revised to correlate with work on the LDP3 evidence report. Analysis of data from the open space audit has been completed. Engagement on these findings will be carried out during Quarter two 2024-25 which in turn will be used to inform the evidence report. It is anticipated that a draft Open Space Strategy will be available in early 2025 once the Gatecheck of the Evidence Report has been completed.
Continue to implement Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan (RHTP) (HTR) Amber Red Despite high levels of achievement against several key measures, the level of homelessness in South Lanarkshire continues to increase to unprecedented levels . This was noted in the RRTP annual review and mirrors trends across Scotland. A range of work is being progressed locally to help mitigate the situation and the Resource continues to engage with representative groups, such as COSLA and ALACHO, to highlight the key issues which require to be addressed at a national level.