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South Lanarkshire Charitable Trust (SC049819)


The South Lanarkshire Charitable Trust was established by South Lanarkshire Council in December 2019 for the purposes of reorganising existing trust funds and to make it easier to use the funds to provide benefit to local communities.

The Trust Fund is administered by Trustees who are appointed by South Lanarkshire Council.

Charitable purposes

The purposes of the Trust are:

(a)    For the prevention or relief of poverty
(b)    To provide relief, financial assistance, or welfare for those inhabitants of the South Lanarkshire Council area who are in need by reason of age, ill health, disease, invalidity, disability, infirmity, financial hardship, or other disadvantages
(c)    Advancement of education
(d)    Advancement of health
(e)    Advancement of citizenship or community development
(f)    Advancement of art, heritage, culture, or science
(g)    The provision of recreational facilities or the organisation of recreational activities with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended
(h)    To assist other charitable organisations with purposes similar to the Trust so as to further their charitable purposes within the South Lanarkshire Council area by the provision of financial and/or material assistance
(i)    Any other purpose designated as charitable under the Charity and Trustee Investment Scotland Act 2005

Local Area Sub Funds

Local Area Sub Funds have been established to reflect the fact that some of these funds were inherited from the former District Councils and to retain benefits within those areas.

Details of the local area sub funds are provided below.

Sub Fund Balance as at 31/03/22
Leadhills Sub Fund £40,922
Clydesdale Sub Fund (excluding Leadhills) £18,604
Hamilton Sub Fund £45,840
Cambuslang and Rutherglen Sub Fund £4,799
East Kilbride Sub Fund £4,555


Since its inception in December 2019, the Trustees have approved payments of almost £22,000 to local community groups working to prevent or relieve poverty in their communities.

Community group Payment
Leadhills Family Action Group £8,116
Hamilton Foodbank £874
Hamilton Churches Drop In Centre £874
Supporting Our Community £874
Burnbank Community Café £874
Hillstop Café £874
Blantyre Youth Development Team £874
Regen FX Youth Trust £874
Larkhall and District Volunteer Group £874
The Machan Trust £874
Clyde and Avon Foodbank £874
Carstairs Junction Welcome All Hub £591
WATiF Food Larder £591
Forth and District Development Trust £591
A Place to Be – Smyllum and Rigside £591
Clydesdale Food Bank £591
The Cargill House Club £591
Whitlawburn Comm Resource Centre £250
Whitlawburn Fruit Barra £250
Cathkin Duke of Edinburgh Centre £250
Burnhill Action Group £250
Share Alike £250
Waist Not Want Not £125
EK Community Foodbank £125
LEAP £125

Further information

For further information on the South Lanarkshire Charitable Trust, or if you have any suggestions on how these funds could be used to benefit the local community, please contact