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Listed building consent

Categories of listed building

Buildings are listed at category A, B or C(s) reflecting their importance.

Category A:

  • buildings of national or international architectural or historic importance
  • fine, little-altered examples of a particular period, style or building type

 Category B:

  • buildings of regional or more than local importance
  • major examples of a particular period, style or building type which may have been altered

 Category C(s):

  • buildings of local importance, lesser examples of any period, style, or building type, as originally constructed or altered
  • simple, traditional buildings which group well with others in categories A and B
  • part of a planned group such as an estate or an industrial complex

Buildings may also be linked in class A or B to indicate their position in relation to a wider set of buildings such as in an industrial estate, town square or a village high street.

In Scotland, eight percent of all listed buildings are category A, 60% category B and 32% category C.

Legal stuff

Listed building legislation applies to all listed buildings regardless of their category of listing.

What listings include

Any object or structure attached to a listed building is also included in the listing, as are any structures or buildings in garden ground or land associated with the listed building. This includes buildings or structures associated with the use of the listed building (at the date of listing) and which were built before 1948.

For more information contact your local Planning and Building standards office

Related content

  1. Listed building consent
  2. What does listing mean?
  3. Categories of listed building