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Care costs and benefits advice for people living at home

A financial assessment is an integral part of the care assessment process to assess a supported person's ability to pay/contribute towards their services or personal budget and will take account of evidenced income, savings, capital and specific household expenditure.

You will not be required to make a contribution toward personal care such as help with bathing, dressing, feeding, continence management and meal preparation.

It is our policy to include a benefits check to ensure that all benefits are maximised.

Where the supported person has a partner, the financial assessment will be based on joint income and capital subject to Income/Benefits disregards.

The amount you pay will depend on a number of factors, including your ability to pay and the types of support services in place. You will never be expected to pay more than the actual cost of providing the service or more than your personal budget.

If you have income below the amounts in the table below you will not be expected to make a contribution. If your income is above these amounts it will be taken into account in the financial assessment.

These costs are currently under review and will be updated shortly.

Income Thresholds 






Single person aged under pension qualifying age



Single person qualifying pension age



Couples under pension qualifying age



Couples qualifying pension age



The Community Care Alarm and Meals at Home are not means tested. They are charged at a flat rate per week.

A care assessment can be arranged by contacting your local social work office.