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Fly-posting is the display of advertising material on street furniture, traffic lights, lighting columns and buildings without the consent of the owner which in the majority of cases is the council. To do so is illegal under the Town and Country Planning Act and the Clean neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005.

These adverts can be displayed by individuals offering cheap rates for work, local events, car boot sales, these are generally paper photocopies taped or glued on. They can also be put up by large companies wishing to advertise their business or products locally, these are generally more expensive made from plastic or metal and tend to look permanent thereby people may not realise that these are illegal.

The removal of all fly-posting can be time consuming and costly to remove, as well as this they may cause damage to the object they have been erected on.

Fly-posting can also affect communities as it can make streets and open spaces look neglected as well attract anti social behaviour such as vandalism, fly-tipping and litter. All of this contributes to the decline of an area and increases the fear of crime, it can affect trade, tourism and investment in that area.

We will remove any illegal fly-posting on our land or property without the permission of the person who posted them and we may charge you for the cost of removal. Paper and card notices will be removed and disposed of immediately. We will keep formal metal/plastic signs for seven days at the local Grounds Depot after this period the signs will be disposed of.

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  1. Fly-posting
  2. Permission to put up posters