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Sustainable development and climate change strategy

Sustainable Development and Climate Change Strategy - Our future is now

Progress to date

Some of the key achievements of the 2023-24 Action Plan are noted below:

  • Our Biodiversity Strategy and the Biodiversity Duty Implementation Plan were approved by the Climate Change and Sustainability Committee in February 2024.
  • The Lanark air quality management area was revoked in February 2024 as a result of air quality objectives having been successfully met; similarly, Whirlies and Rutherglen air quality management areas are showing signs of improved air quality.
  • The next phase of the East Kilbride Active Travel network on Churchill Avenue and part of Cornwall Street was completed, with Active Travel Plans for part of the Clydesdale area concluded (and priority routes for future active travel infrastructure identified).
  • An EV infrastructure Expansion Plan and Strategy have been developed identifying the future requirement for charging infrastructure within South Lanarkshire.
  • An update on the delivery of the Litter Strategy Action Plan was presented to the Climate Change and Sustainability Committee in September 2023 along with a review of the Action Plan for the coming year; and an annual rural roads clear-up programme was undertaken resulting in nine tonnes of discarded waste collected over 30 days, clearing more than 77 miles of roads and verges.
  • There was a slight reduction in the amount of glysophate used to control weeds in 2023, and we piloted the use of Aquateck cleaning solution in schools leading to the rollout across all 17 high schools.
  • Shared Prosperity Fund was used to help ensure a just transition to net zero in 2023/24 funding: £75,000 of Climate Emergency and Resilience Grants to community groups, the development of Extend PLUS which will facilitate carbon reporting for SMEs across Glasgow City Region; and Employment Land and Market Analysis in East Kilbride to assess the need for, and feasibility of, energy investments.
  • 45 schools hold Green Flag awards, an increase of 10 schools from the previous year; Green Flag accreditation was also successfully retained for Strathaven Park, Cambuslang Park and Castlebank Park.
  • Chatelherault allotment site opened in summer of 2023, with an increase of 64 plot holders.
  • Jump app has been introduced in four secondary schools - this includes sustainable targets for pupils and staff with monthly prizes; following the success of the COS2 (Conference of Schools) event, planning is underway for a COS3 event.
  • Climate Change Learn online modules have been completed by 1,416 employees since being introduced in 2023.
  • A Sustainability Impact Assessment process has been developed and implemented for our Capital and Revenue Programmes.