Are you worried about your mental health?
Other services and information
Lanarkshire Association for Mental Health (LAMH) is a forum for the development of services for people who experience mental illness in Lanarkshire.
People Experiencing Trauma and Loss (PETAL) - Providing practical and emotional support, advocacy, group support and counselling for the families and friends of murder and suicide victims.
Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland is an independent organisation working to safeguard the rights and welfare of everyone with a mental illness, learning disability or other mental disorder.
Scottish Government Mental Health - Information from the Scottish Government on mental health.
Breathing Space is a free, confidential phone and web-based service for people in Scotland experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety.
Samaritans is a confidential emotional support service for anyone in the UK and Ireland.
Elament is Lanarkshire's first stop shop for online mental health and wellbeing information providing information for people seeking assistance with mental health problems.
My Rap - My Recovery Action Plan is a self-management tool to support people in taking control over their own wellbeing and recovery.
Lanarkshire Links - Service User and Carer Involvement in Mental Health.
- Are you worried about your mental health?
- What happens next?
- What support is available?
- Other services and information
- Your views