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Regulation and inspections from external bodies

Scottish Housing Regulator

Engagement Plan

The Scottish Housing Regulator will review South Lanarkshire Council's services for people who are homeless, with a particular focus on the following areas:

  • how people access the service
  • temporary accommodation
  • homes not meeting the Scottish Housing Quality Standard

South Lanarkshire must also submit the following regulatory returns:

To download and read the full details of the Engagement Plan, as well as other information and documentation, please visit the Scottish Housing Regulator website

Significant performance failures

If you are a tenant of a registered social landlord (RSL) such as a housing association or co-operative, or if you are a council tenant, you should report it to us. If we have not resolved it then you can report a significant performance failure (SPF) to the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR). 

A significant performance failure is where a social landlord:

  • fails to meet the outcomes of the Scottish Social Housing Charter or outcomes agreed locally with tenants;
  • has not reported its performance annually to tenants or the reported performance doesn't reflect actual performance;
  • fails to meet the Scottish Housing Regulator's (SHR) Regulatory Standards; or
  • the landlord's action(s), or failure to take action, puts tenants' interests at risk.

.  The Scottish Housing Regulator website has more information on significant performance failures.