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Local Development Plan 3 (LDP3)

Participation Statement

To develop our next local development plan we are asking you to share with us your thoughts and ideas of how to create successful and enjoyable places within South Lanarkshire. Our Participation Statement outlines the range of engagement we will be carrying out and who we will interact with. We aim to engage with as many people as possible to collect the information needed to reflect the strengths and opportunities that we can build upon. If it’s done right, the local development plan 3 will embody everything we’ve learned from you and will provide the means in which to meet your needs. 

Participation Statement consultation

Consultation was carried out on the draft Participation Statement in June/July 2023. This asked people what approaches they would prefer for us to use and who they thought we should involve:

  1. Are there any barriers to participation you would like to highlight or suggestions on how we can be more inclusive? Did we use simple language and was it easy to read?
  2. Are there other methods you would like us to use to publicise engagement?
  3. Are there additional methods that you think would improve participation in the plan-making process?
  4. How would you like to communicate with us?
  5. Can you suggest other ways to reach under-represented groups?
  6. Are there any other groups or organisations, or other topics you think we have missed?
  7. Do you have any other comments on the Participation Statement?

Overall, there were 66 responses to the survey with feedback from a range of organisations, businesses, and individuals, including community councils, planning consultancies and residents.

There was a consistency in responses emphasising the need to use simple and clear language as well as ensuring opportunities for people to talk in person as well as virtually. It was generally thought that the Participation Statement had identified most of the key stakeholders, groups and organisations that could support a more inclusive engagement process but many answers highlighted that we needed to be clearer about how their views were being taken on board during the plan process. The majority of responses suggested email was the best way to communicate next steps but that face to face discussions were preferred when talking about their place. Many of the responses were positive:

“I think it is an excellent vision and it will be interesting to see how much real input we as the public can have. Councils will be restricted by budgets so we may well come up with fantastic ideas that cannot be incorporated...”

However, some concerns were raised as to how meaningful the engagement would be:

“All talk tell us what significant changes participation has made and changed original view.”

The Participation Statement was updated to reflect these responses and ensure that a clear program of engagement work is set out. More detailed strategies for individual policy themes and groups such as children and young people, the elderly and disabled and Gypsy/Travellers will be prepared and published. This will ensure we build trust in the communities, businesses, and residents of South Lanarkshire that their voice is being heard.

What general principles will we follow?

Our inclusive approach

  • We will encourage participation from as wide a range of stakeholders as possible throughout the LDP process. We want to make it as easy as possible for everyone with an interest to engage in its preparation.
  • Information will be provided in accessible formats to meet the needs of our varied stakeholders. We will exchange and gather information using graphics and audio to remove the barrier for those with vision impairment or literacy and numeracy challenges. We understand that using technology won’t always be the best method for everyone, and in these cases we will use alternative methods. In addition to English, we will provide the document in additional language formats.
  • Engagement with children and young people, older people, disabled people and Gypsy/Travellers is a statutory requirement. We will work with the council’s Education Service as well as organisations such as the Youth Panel, Seniors Together, the Access Panel, Lanarkshire Ethnic Minorities Action Group and Minority Ethnic Carers of People Project to develop appropriate methods to engage.
  • We will develop a programme with Voluntary Action South Lanarkshire to facilitate engagement with the many local voluntary groups across the council’s area.

How will we publicise engagement opportunities and provide feedback?

We propose to use:

  • Our website
  • The creation of an online information hub
  • Email and letter mailings
  • Adverts in local newspapers and South Lanarkshire View
  • Documents held at local libraries
  • The generation of a regular newsletter
  • Social media
  • Collaboration with Community Planning colleagues
  • Posters and flyers
  • For underrepresented groups we will use representative organisations to reach a wider audience

An emphasis on good communication

  • We will identify the method of engagement by asking those we want to hear from. For large groups we may focus on the method that is most preferred.
  • An interactive online hub will be created to enable updates on the plan making process to be provided as well as to invite comments and suggestions.
  • We will use the relationships that already exist within communities, in particular where there has already been extensive SLC engagement to produce Neighbourhood Plans. 
  • We won’t over consult, and we may focus on topics or issues that people are most interested in.
  • Where it would be advantageous to the stakeholder, we will facilitate other services to provide questionnaires and the Place Standard Tool on our behalf. 
  • We will participate in other consultations being carried out by the council and its partners.
  • We will request invites to attend events within communities and work closely with colleagues in Community Planning who have already established strong links to communities.
  • We will ensure that the format of communication is led by accessibility and ease of use.
  • We want to involve communities who may be excluded from participating due to disadvantages relating to social or economic factors.

Ways in which we will gather information and comments include:

  • A newsletter to share updates on the process and the outcomes from engagement.
  • Using the Place Standard Tool, including a simplified version for children and young people
  • Holding Exhibitions and workshops
  • Use of the Council’s Citizens Panel and Peoples Panel
  • Online surveys and keypad voting and standpoint terminals
  • Work closely with our Community Planning Partnership partners to engage with people living in communities experiencing socio-economic difficulties to gain a better understanding of their place. 
  • We will promote and facilitate the participation of children and young people under the age of 25 to seek views on their lived experiences. Proposed methods of engagement will include the Place Standard Toolkits to support conversations between educators/teachers and children, and capture views about play needs and opportunities in their area, including likes and dislikes about their places. We will engage through South Lanarkshire Youth Council, Youth Parliament Representatives, student representatives in higher education and the Council's Education Services.
  • We will seek the views of and engage with Gypsies and Travellers to help gain a perspective on their distinct planning needs. Positive engagement with Gypsies and Travelling People will be facilitated through dialogue with representative organisations and the council’s Gypsy/Traveller Liaison Officer. Attention will also be given to non-written and face-to-face on-site engagement. 
  • We will work with groups and organisations representing disabled people and older people to establish the most suitable methods of engagement and multimedia formats to share and collect information.

Who can participate?

Participation in the preparation of Local Development Plan 3 is open to everyone and inclusion will be encouraged, including (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • South Lanarkshire residents and those with an interest in the area
  • Landowners, developers and housing providers
  • Business, industry, and tourism groups 
  • Elected members
  • Underrepresented and minority groups
  • Religious bodies and organisations 
  • Voluntary organisations
  • Neighbouring authorities
  • Rural communities

Other key groups:

  • Children and young people
  • Disabled people
  • Gypsies and Travellers, and Showpeople
  • Community Councils
  • Older people
  • Communities experiencing socio-economic disadvantage 
  • Community bodies who have expressed an interest in, or have completed, a Local Place Plan.

Key agencies: 

The key agencies are set out in the Town and Country Planning (Development Planning) (Scotland) Regulations 2023 as follows:

  • NatureScot
  • Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
  • Scottish Water
  • Scottish Enterprise
  • Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT)
  • NHS Lanarkshire
  • Historic Environment Scotland (HES)

National and Regional agencies:

  • Transport Scotland
  • Scottish Forestry
  • Sport Scotland
  • Architecture and Design Scotland
  • Central Scotland Green Network Partnership

A sample of topic interest groups:

  • Natural environment and climate
  • Historic environment
  • Art, leisure and culture
  • Active travel and transport
  • Town centre and business groups
  • Food growing and local living