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Local Development Plan 3 (LDP3)

The next local development plan

We will be starting preparation of the next Local Development Plan (to be known as LDP3) in summer 2023. The way we will do this is different to previous versions. The Scottish Government published Local Development Planning guidance in May 2023. 

Firstly, it will have to take into account the contents of National Planning Framework 4. Each of the 33 national planning policies include a statement on the expected role of the Local Development Plan for each topic. The council’s plan should not replicate the national policy however we are able to locally specific policies.

There are also changes to how we will prepare the plan. A new first stage is the need to prepare an Evidence Report which will allow us to identify what to plan for. It will set out the council’s views on the matters listed in Annex 2. The evidence will include information and data and qualitative as well as the ‘lived experience’ of everyone active in the council area. By doing this will capture the aims and ambitions of the council and its partners, stakeholders and communities.

During this stage we will engage with people and organisations to ensure the data collected reflects their views. We have identified partners we know of who can contribute evidence and have taken into account the responses we received to the consultation on the draft Participation Statement in summer 2023. on others who can help. 

Please note that detailed policies and site proposals will not be included in the evidence report and appraisal of individual sites will take place later in the process. 

Once complete the Evidence Report is submitted to Scottish Ministers for a Gate Check. This is to allow an assessment by an independent Reporter of whether the evidence we have produced is sufficient to let us start preparing the Local Development Plan. It will also check that that we have carried out appropriate engagement and consultation.

When we receive confirmation that the Gate Check is complete work can start on the Proposed Plan. Unlike previous versions it will focus on maps, site briefs, and masterplans. Sites specifically identified for new development will have to be shown to be free from constraints (we will actively engage with the key agencies to inform this) and deliverable by the developer. Undeveloped sites in LDP2 will be looked at again and may be removed if they are no longer deliverable or viable or accord with the policy direction in NPF4.

A Call for Ideas will be carried out early on in this stage of plan preparation so that propose ideas for any part of the plan can be submitted, including policy or suggestions for development sites.

Once the proposed plan has been prepared, we will carry out formal consultation of a minimum period of 12 weeks. This will include neighbour notification for anyone who owns, or leases sites or neighbouring land affected. During this period anyone can make representations to the council either in support of the plan or if they wish to object.

After the consultation period we can modify the proposed plan to take account of representations made to the council or consultation responses from key agencies. 

When we cannot agree modifications then the representation is considered unresolved. When this happens, the proposed plan is submitted to Scottish Ministers for examination carried out by a reporter from the Department for Planning and Environmental Appeals. Once the Examination is complete the Reporter will prepare a report setting out their recommendations and any modifications they require to be made. The report will be submitted to the council along with anyone who has made unresolved representations. The council are to make the modifications except in limited circumstances. After this we will carry out the process for the formal adoption of the Plan.