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Local Development Plan 3 (LDP3)

Annex 3 - Additional assessments

Other impact assessments are required to be carried out alongside the plan preparation process. The assessments include:

Assessment Description of assessment

Strategic Environmental Assessment


This is a statutory requirement to ensure the environment is a primary consideration when preparing the plan and that the environmental and sustainability implications of the emerging plan and its proposals are assessed. It allows a better understanding of the environmental context and sets out the steps to avoid, mitigate or reduce significant adverse impacts, or indeed enhance any positive ones. SEA will be based on the Council’s State of the Environment report. A link to 2021 version is here,  South Lanarkshire State of the Environment Report 2021, however it is expected that the updated 2023 version will be available during the Evidence Report stage. Scoping of the Evidence Report will be done in tandem with the scoping report for the SEA.

Habitats Regulations Assessment

This is a statutory requirement to consider the potential impacts of the proposed plan on internationally important wildlife sites.  The HRA will be done as we consider the ideas presented to us during the preparation of the proposed plan as well as any sites carried forward from LDP2. Any policy content in LDP3 will also be subject to HRA assessment.

Equalities Impact Assessment


This ensures that a wide range of people are involved in shaping their places during the plan making process. The Participation Statement is a key document in this regard. In addition, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child means young people are actively encouraged to play a part. We will ensure children and young people are fully and appropriately engaged as described in the Participation Statement.

Public Sector Equality Duty

This is intended to ensure the Council seeks to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between persons who share a protected characteristic.

Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment

This places a legal responsibility on the Council to consider how they can reduce inequalities of outcome caused by socio-economic disadvantage when making strategic decisions so that we make better policy decisions and deliver fairer outcomes. Key issues include low income, low wealth and area deprivation. It will be important to engage with relevant communities to understand the issues faced.

Health Impact Assessment

Health impact assessment (HIA) considers the potential, and sometimes unintended, effects a policy, strategy or service plan may have on the health of a population. It is particularly useful for considering effects on vulnerable or disadvantaged groups. HIA considers the socioeconomic determinants of health and how they influence health outcomes. Evidence from research, data and the experience of stakeholders is used to inform the assessment.