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Social Work Resources

The aim of Social Work Resources is to promote social welfare and provide effective care and support to meet the needs of vulnerable people in South Lanarkshire.

In partnership with community planning partners, voluntary and independent provider organisations, we offer a range of services designed to enable, support, improve and protect the health and social care of people using our services.

With an annual budget of £133million and 3110 employees, our activities include:

  • dealing with more than 40,000 referrals a year
  • assessment, specialist assessment and support
  • provision of targeted services for vulnerable children, young people and adults
  • service provision including homecare and care at home
  • support services, day, respite and residential services
  • supervision and monitoring in the protection of vulnerable children and adults
  • working with those subject to requirements within justice and mental health legislation

We commission a wide range of contracted services provided by the independent, voluntary and private sector.

We are regulated and inspected by the Care Inspectorate and currently have 32 registered services:

We are committed to providing responsive and accessible services, with defined standards for service provision and response.

For more information about the services we provide please go to our social work pages or download a copy of our Resource Plan or the Chief Social Work Officer Report

If you need to contact us please phone 0303 123 1008 or visit one of our local offices.