Council rent
Problems paying rent
Paying rent is not a matter of choice, however we understand that there may be times that you will have difficulty paying on time.
If you're behind with your rent or worried about your payments - we can help. Our local area housing office staff can provide advice, help you make repayment plans and help you access debt counselling/money advice services. You can pay your rent online and you are also able to set up a direct debit online quickly and easily too.
If you fail to pay your rent, we will contact you to find out if there is a problem. We use a range of ways of getting in touch to suit your needs. This includes phone calls and visits, email and text messaging. Please read our Rent Management Policy for more information.
Our Benefits call centre can be contacted for advice and access to Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction. You can contact them using the contact details shown on this page. You can also apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction online.
Our Money Matters Service can also give you independent and confidential advice if you are facing debt problems or need advice on welfare benefits. You can contact them using the contact details shown on this page.
Our Rent Income Support Team can help Council tenants affected by welfare reform changes including Universal Credit (UC) and the under-occupancy deduction. Some of these changes are significant and you may be worried about how you are going to manage. The most important thing to do is ask for help. The team can help you to plan, prepare and provide you with the relevant support.
You can now check your rent account balance online using myaccount.

- Paying council rent
- Fortnightly rent cycles
- Problems paying rent
- Legal expenses
Money Matters Advice Service
Phoneline opening times: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9am-4pm, Wed 11am-4pm
Phone: 0300 029 0041Benefits Call Centre
Benefits and Revenue Services PO Box 3591, Glasgow, G73 9ED
Phone: 0303 123 1011Email: Benefits Call Centre