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Housing repairs

Report an emergency repair

An emergency repair is when there's danger to life or property. Report it immediately using the contact details on this page. Provide details about the repair and location, such as what room.

Examples of emergency repairs include:

  • smell of gas – phone 0800 111 999 (see information below)
  • blocked drains, toilets, or sinks
  • fire damage
  • burst pipes or water leaks causing flooding
  • dangerous electrical faults
  • external doors/windows not locking
  • smashed windows
  • no heating or cold water
  • no electrical supply
  • lost or broken keys
  • smoke or heat detector alarm ringing

What to do if you smell gas:

  • phone National Gas Emergency immediately on 0800 111 999
  • don't switch on or off any lights or electrical appliances
  • put out cigarettes
  • don't use matches or naked flame
  • open windows and doors
  • turn off your pilot light and main gas supply. (usually near the front door or outside)
  • never try to fit or repair gas appliances yourself

Burst pipes and broken boilers

For more information on burst pipes and broken boilers, visit our Burst pipes and broken boilers page.

Emergency repairs

Monday to Thursday 8.45am - 4.45pm, Friday 8.45am - 4.15pm

Phone: 0303 123 1010

Emergency repairs out-of-hours

Evenings and weekends

Phone: 0800 242024