Carers and caring
We have a duty to prepare a local Carers Strategy
The information on this page is currently under review.
The legislative base to support carers (The Carers (Scotland) Act 2016) contributes to a wider effort to build a fairer Scotland and a strong sustainable economy, tackle inequalities; and deliver public services with communities. It is closely related to and is underpinned by the same principles as other public service reform, notably, integration of health and social care, self-directed support and the independent Review of Adult Social Care/National Care Service.
The duty to prepare a Carers Strategy lies with each local authority and health board, delegated to the Integration Joint Board (IJB) and developed in partnership with carers and third sector.
You have a right to be involved in decision making.
We have a duty to involve carers and carer representatives in the planning and evaluation of services that support carers.
Our Carers Partnership Group has wide representation from all those who work to deliver supports and services to and with our unpaid carers. The Carer representative who sits on the Integration Joint Board, also plays a lead role in the Carers Partnership.
This Strategy builds on our 2019/2022 plan and the framework for delivering improved supports and services to carers connected to South Lanarkshire. We want to ensure we provide support to as many eligible carers as we can and will continue to engage in a range of consultative activity in relation to all the duties, we have responsibility for, as part of The Act.
Our Carers Strategy for 2023/2026 sets out the work we are progressing to support both Adult and Young Carers. This Strategy sets out our approach to support unpaid carers, noting our achievements from the past three years, and setting out our aims for the next three years.
The Strategy will align to the Strategic Commissioning Plan 2022/2025 and its Priority 5 Supporting Carers, and the National Health and Wellbeing outcome 6: People who provide unpaid care are supported to look after their own health and wellbeing, including to reduce any negative impact of their caring role on their own health and well-being.
In terms of Young Carers this Strategy will align to the Children’s Services Plan 2020/2023 and connect with the National Wellbeing indicators for Children and Young people (SHANARRI) Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible, Included.
- Carers and caring
- Our approach to carer support
- Carers rights, our duties and requirements
- What is local eligibility criteria?
- The Carers Pathway
- Assessment of eligible needs
- What does substantial or critical mean?
- Funding to support carer’s outcomes
- Adult Carer Support Plans (ACSP)
- Carer’s role supporting discharge from hospital
- We must establish and maintain an information and advice service for carers
- We must prepare and publish a short breaks service statement
- Information and support for carers
- We have a duty to prepare a local Carers Strategy
- Resources for carers
- Glossary