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Carers and caring

Our approach to carer support

The information on this page is currently under review.

Caring can be both rewarding and demanding, and we understand that to enable carers to maintain their caring role, if they so wish, we must support them with information, advice, support and services.

Each local authority in Scotland has its approach to supporting carers. Our approach is to work with our partners, driving the delivery of services that meet the needs of carers when they need it. We have commissioned dedicated carer organisations who through partnership working will deliver a range of services in the community alongside the traditional services offered directly from us in the local authority and the health board through the Health and Social Care Partnership.

Equal Partners in Care (EPiC) have produced Core Principles for working with carers and young carers. This document supports partners working together to achieve better outcomes for carers and young carers.

The Health and Social Care Partnership can help you to ensure your needs are met or we can signpost you to a wide range of organisations many of which are funded directly by the HSCP.

Lanarkshire Carers and Action for Children are the main commissioned services in South Lanarkshire. To find out more about the services they can offer, please visit their websites.