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Self-directed support (SDS)

Information from other agencies

Self-directed support – support, care, trust, protect. Image shows elderly adults chatting on a bench, a person receiving occupational therapy/rehabilitation with an OT, person in wheelchair, home carer with elderly client, elderly person and young child

The Social Work Scotland Self-directed Support team have led the co-production of a framework of twelve standards to support the implementation of Self-directed Support. These were agreed by COSLA on the 19 March 2021.

Self-Directed Support Scotland is a one stop shop for National Guidance on SDS for people who use social care and services, carers and health and social care practitioners.

Independent Living Fund Scotland enables disabled people to achieve their independent living outcomes by the dignified assessment of needs and the distribution of discretionary awards.

Care Information Scotland is a phone webchat and website service providing information about care services for people living in Scotland.

Personal Assistant Network Scotland is a website for personal assistant employers and personal assistants where you will find lots of information about employment responsibilities and learning opportunities.

Enable Scotland have developed some Emergency Planning Resources that can support you to create emergency plan that make provisions for occasions when you are unable to fulfil your caring role.

My Anticipatory Care Plan (My ACP) has also been developed by Healthcare Improvement Scotland working with a range of partners. It provides a comprehensive booklet which is designed for individuals to complete themselves, with support from family, friends and health or care professionals.

MECOPP have produced a guide which has been translated into everyday language to make Self-directed Support as accessible as possible for people who do not speak English as a first language. It should be used by interpreters and translators to ensure the language of Self-directed Support is translated consistently for everyone in Scotland speaking Bengali, Chinese, Punjabi and Urdu. They have now also produced a short animation which gives a basic introduction to SDS and the options available. The video voiced in five languages - English, Bengali, Cantonese, Punjabi and Urdu - can be selected from the DVD menu. 

Independent advocacy supports people so that they can express their own views and wishes and make informed decisions. It helps adults access information, advises them of their rights and explores the options available to them. Advocacy can let people take more responsibility and control of the decisions that affect their lives.

The Scottish Government have produced a Self-directed Support Implementation Plan 2019-2021 and a Guide to Self-directed Support. 

There is also  Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for local authorities and Health and Social Care Partnership staff who assess, approve and administer social work and social care and support (including carer support), and approve Self-directed Support (SDS) budgets. It is for those working in adult and children’s services, whether those services are managed by the local authority or delegated to the Integration Authority. It is also for care providers delivering Option 2 and organisations who help people to get the most from their social care support.

They have also produced copies of Self-Directed Support: My Choice, Your Guide to Social Care, and Self-Directed Support: A Guide for Carers" in Braille and audio-description. You can access both of these by contacting the social work resources Planning and Communication Officer by email

A British Sign Language version of the documents is now available.