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Self-directed support (SDS)

Carers and young carers

Self-directed support – support, care, trust, protect. Image shows elderly adults chatting on a bench, a person receiving occupational therapy/rehabilitation with an OT, person in wheelchair, home carer with elderly client, elderly person and young child

If you are providing care to someone as an unpaid carer you have the right to have your needs assessed. Assessments can be undertaken by Social Work, Lanarkshire Carers Centre or Action for Children.

Please see our Carers webpages for more information.

Carers whose assessments show they have eligible needs may have an entitlement to Self-directed Support. Self-directed Support allows carers to choose the support they need as a carer to meet the outcomes agreed in their assessment.

Adult carers

There are many ways you can be supported in your caring role. South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership work together with a wide range of organisations to help you find the right support and services at the time you need it. To understand your needs a conversation called an Adult Carer Support Plan will capture all the aspects of your caring role that are relevant to you. The Plan will help us understand what supports and services you need so we can ensure they are met and you are able to maintain your caring role if you want to.

What to do next

  • go to the Carers page and look around, gather all the information you need
  • refer to the local eligibility criteria this will help you understand who to make a request for an Adult Carer Support Plan with the service you think best meets your needs

Young carers

A young carer is a child or young person under 18 years old, or has reached the age of 18 years and remains a pupil at school. Young carers can request themselves or be referred by a practitioner (such as a teacher, doctor or support or youth worker) for a Young Carers Statement. The statement gathers all the information with the young person and their allocated worker to build a picture of the tasks and activities they undertake in their caring role. It will help the worker understand the needs of the young carer, so that they can access the supports they need to both maintain their caring role if they so wish and to help them have a life equal to that of their peers.

What to do next

  • go to the Carers page and look around, gather all the information you need
  • refer to the local eligibility criteria this will help you understand who to make a request for a Young Carers Statement with the Young Carers Service

Once you have all the information you need you will be prepared, you will know what you want to achieve. There are lots of organisations in South Lanarkshire that can help you through the process, when you go to the Carers page you will see the supports and services and information and advice links who can help you.

Take Control South Lanarkshire

Action for Children

Lanarkshire Carers