Getting here

129 Muir Street, Hamilton, South Lanarkshire ML3 6BJ
Travel by public transport
- The nearest bus and train station is Hamilton Central Station which is 0.7miles. The journey takes approximately 15 mins on foot.
- 255 bus
- 226 bus
Travel by taxi
- You can get a taxi with TOA 01698 281144 or Bridge Cabs 01698 422288
- These taxi companies have a wheelchair accessible vehicle.
- Accessible taxis should be booked in advance. To access the attraction please ask to be dropped off at our main entrance.
- There is a drop-off point at the main entrance which has a dropped kerb.
- There is free parking at the attraction, including disabled spaces and 4 electric vehicle charge points.
- The surface from the on-road parking area and car park to the entrance of the attraction is a mix of both paved and tarmac surfaces.
- Coach spaces for minibus and coach parking are available.
Path to main entrance
- There is level access from the car park to the main entrance.
- The path is sloped.
Main entrance
- The main entrance has level access.
- The doors are 1800mm wide, 900cm each.
- The main door is full glass with contrast marking. Our staff will be happy to hold them open for you on your arrival.
- The walkway to the reception desk is 3000mm level and the carpeted floor is made of stone.
View of our main entrance from the street