Displays and experience

- Glass doors and full-height windows have contrast markings.
- Some parts of the venue have low lighting.
- Where there are audio-visual displays, subtitles are included.
- We have a large print guide available from reception.
- We do not have a guide in Braille.
- When it's busier, there will be slightly more levels of noise.
- There is a video playing in the Hamilton Palace gallery which has narration.
- The Assembly Room and the Mezzanine Café both have low level music playing in the background.
- The temporary display galleries (Portland and Fives Court) will have varied displays, and some of these may include other sounds. Please ask at reception if you're unsure.
- There is not a hearing loop.
- The displays in the Riding School are directly below the Mezzanine Café. There isn't a divide between them, so smells of food cooking from the café can be noticeable.
- The temperature in the Museum is designed to keep objects stable. This means that whilst we make every effort to keep our visitors comfortable, in colder months we advise you bring more layers of clothing and in hotter months make sure to bring plenty of water with you.
- Most of our displays are in cases or behind barriers to protect them.
- There is a tactile area with objects available to feel in the Eclectech Gallery and the Riding School.