A to Z: S
Services that begin with S
- Salt - gritting
- School clothing grants
- School crossing patrols
- School dinners
- School holidays
- School meals
- School transport
- Schools
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
- Scottish Welfare Fund
- Second hand goods licence
- Secondary school placements
- Secondary schools
- Self-directed support (SDS)
- Septic tank and cesspit emptying
- Sex shop licence
- Sheltered housing
- Short breaks
- Skip permits
- Snow and snow clearing
- Social enquiry reports
- Social media
- South Lanarkshire Charitable Trust
- South Lanarkshire Works 4 U
- Special uplifts
- Specialist equipment for disabled people
- Sports facilities
- Stillbirth
- Stray or lost dogs
- Street care and cleaning
- Street lighting
- Street naming and street name signs
- Street trading licence
- Supervised attendance orders
- Supervision orders (bail)
- Suppliers - council
- Sustainability and climate change
- Swimming
- Swimming development
- Swing parks
- Syringes