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Garden waste permit

All households in South Lanarkshire will require a permit for garden waste collection from 1 April 2025.

You will be able to purchase a permit from this page from Wednesday 19 February 2025 onwards. 

Charge for the service

One annual permit costs £45. A separate permit is required for each burgundy bin. There is a maximum of three permits and burgundy bins per household. The full £45 charge applies irrespective of the sign-up date.

Ordering/upgrading bins

Additional burgundy bins with a capacity of 240 litres can be ordered using the garden waste portal once it goes live on Wednesday 19 February. Delivery of bins may take up to 15 working days. 140 litre bins can be upgraded to a larger size by completing the online form on the Order a new recycling bin page.

Service frequency and commencement

The service will be delivered every two weeks between 1 April 2025 and 31 March 2026 excluding two weeks over Christmas and New Year.

Find your collection day or visit the garden waste portal after signing up from Wednesday 19 February onwards.

Your garden waste collection service will commence from when your permit sticker is applied to your burgundy bin. If you have paid for the service but the permit is not displayed, your bin will not be collected.

How to get your permit

You will be able to sign up for the garden waste service and purchase your permit from this page from Wednesday 19 February onwards.

Displaying your permit

You will receive your permit by post within 21 days. Peel the customised permit from the backing paper and stick it carefully to the back of your burgundy bin below the handles. Each permit will detail the property address for which the permit was purchased.

Collection crews will only empty garden waste from burgundy bins which display a valid garden waste permit. Permits are non-transferable and cannot be moved to another property.

Cancelling your permit

Permits can be cancelled within 14 days of purchase to receive a full refund, thereafter no refunds will be given.

What can be recycled

Compostable garden waste includes grass, hedge clippings, plants, weeds, leaves, untreated/uncoloured bark, small branches and food waste. For a full list of items that are not accepted, please visit the ‘what goes in your bin’ page.

We do not accept bagged garden waste. Garden waste uplifts are available for items too large to fit in the burgundy garden waste bin.

Missed collections and contamination

Your bin must be presented at your bin collection point by 7am on the day of collection. If you have not presented your bin by this time, the crew will not return until the next scheduled collection day.

Missed garden waste collections may be carried out the following day if, for example, there is severe weather, access difficulties or breakdowns.

We will not empty bins that contain the wrong waste type, are of excessive weight, or present a health and safety risk to staff.

If the bin is contaminated with contents other than food or garden waste, the bin will be tagged. It is your responsibility to remove the contaminants and present the bin at the next scheduled collection date.

We may be unable to return if the bin has been tagged, or if the waste was not presented by 7am on the day of collection. Please store your bin securely between collections

Disposing of food waste without a permit

Food waste will still be collected in your burgundy bin free of charge. Permits are only required to dispose of garden waste in your burgundy bin.

Disposing of garden waste without a permit

If you do not have a permit, garden waste presented in the burgundy bin will be tagged and will not be collected. The contamination must be removed or a permit must be purchased for this bin to be collected.

Household waste and recycling centres

If you do not want a permit, you can still take your garden waste, free of charge, to one of our six household waste and recycling centres.

All vehicles visiting a household waste and recycling centre in South Lanarkshire must book their visit in advance.


You can also compost garden waste at home.

Terms and conditions

Full list of terms and conditions.

Related content

  1. Garden waste permit
  2. Terms and conditions for the garden waste permit