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Our online rent services (myaccount)

is currently unavailable due to year-end processing

Changing your tenancy

As a council tenant, you have signed a Scottish Secure Tenancy Agreement. This agreement sets out the rights and responsibilities of us (as the landlord) and you (as the tenant), as well as the terms and conditions of your tenancy.    

It is very important that you tell us about any changes that may affect your tenancy.

You can apply for permission to make certain changes to your tenancy online. Please refer to our related content pages for further information.

Completing one of these application forms does not mean we will give you permission, but we will only refuse if there is good reason to do so. We will respond to you in writing within 28 days.

Housing Benefit/Council Tax Reduction and Council Tax Discount

Tenants in receipt of the above benefits must also tell us of any changes to their household.

For Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Reduction, please see our Housing Benefit/Council Tax Reduction page. For Council Tax Discount, please see our Council Tax change to household page.

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